A Way of Thinking to Stop Worrying About Social Events

Now I am heading toward a seclusive life, a lifestyle that keeps me distant from society. Today, I will talk about how to stop worrying about social events.

How to stop being concerned about emotional events in society

Sometimes, we want to stop worrying about emotional events in society. Many news events could disturb our minds, such as wars, murders, poverty, violence, hate, scandals, or misfortunes. They make us want to keep our minds calm.

Distancing ourselves from society could be one solution. It is one of the ways to contribute during a confused era because we can help people fleeing social conflicts.

Perhaps a seclusive lifestyle in the countryside suits those with high empathy and creativity. They often like to live naturally and are not good at socializing. I am one of them. That is why I am heading in that direction.

In that case, we need a way of thinking to avoid worrying about social confusion.

That is because we cannot entirely disconnect from society. Although there are many negative events in a confused era, we have to know the social state to respond to social changes. In other words, we need to accept social events without disturbing our minds. That is why we want a way of thinking to deal with them.

Today, I will introduce two concepts to stop worrying about social events. Those two might allow us to release our mental sticking to society.

Two concepts to accept emotional events in society

To accept sad social events, we can use the following two concepts:

  1. Our society is getting better, even if there are sad conflicts.
  2. Humility resolves our desire for revenge.

Let me explain each of them below.

1) Our society is getting better, even if there are sad conflicts

The first concept is that our society is getting better, even if there are sad conflicts. The long-term perspective allows us to accept conflicts between humans.

Not only we humans, but also all life, live for the development and prosperity of their species. Human war is also a part of it, although it seems negative for the human species.

Lives have developed many senses to progress their species. A competitive mind is one of them. Competition makes lives more efficient because they can live with fewer resources. The more lives that can live efficiently, the more lives will prosper in total in this world.

That mechanism of life also works among humans. For example, neighboring countries are prone to confrontation. Similar societies or organizations tend to compete. Companies in similar industries tend to try to overcome each other unless there are no common enemies.

That system of life gives us abundance. We can eat food with less effort or with fewer resources. That allows all lives to prosper more in this world.

The war or conflict is part of it when the world gets less abundant. That is a way to judge which side is more efficient. A more efficient one develops in the long term.

Seeing it from a historical perspective

From a historical perspective, we know we cannot judge which side is good or evil.

For example, Spain destroyed the ancient dynasties of Central America, such as the Maya or the Aztecs. The Spanish military annihilated them, including civilians.

However, we don’t know which is good or evil because Spain survived, and the ancient dynasties became extinct.

Perhaps all humans have experienced such a process that we cannot say good or evil. The United States drove out the native Indians. The Roman Empire enslaved many tribes. There are many examples of the destruction of the natives.

We don’t know which is good or evil, what is good or bad. The only thing we can say is that the survivors create history. The weak people with innocence are not always saved.

That perspective is the first concept to accept the sad news in society.

2) Humility resolves our desire for revenge

The second concept is that humility resolves our desire for revenge.

There are two types of lifestyles.

  • A way of life that pursues strength: They can monopolize social wealth, but it doesn’t last long. They tend to be arrogant because they try to control everything.
  • A way of life that pursues survival: They can live long but cannot monopolize social wealth. They tend to be humble because they try to find a new lifestyle.

That tells us that we don’t have to take revenge on hateful people. Arrogant people don’t last long. They will be ruined after a while because they stop changing.

Arrogance is the belief that everything is under their control. That suffers people, especially weak people.

However, there are always uncontrollable things, such as the limitations of resources or the laws of nature. That ruins them. That is why countries or organizations that become arrogant always perish soon. They are self-destructing.

A humble life that calms us

On the other hand, humility prevents self-destruction, although it is hard to monopolize social wealth.

If we find a social conflict and feel angry or sad on one side, try feeling their arrogance and humility. If we find arrogance, we know their offensive will not last long. Sometimes we don’t feel humility on both sides, especially when they insist that they are victims, because humbleness and claims are incompatible.

In other words, being humble requires wisdom to avoid social conflicts. Humility disappears when we judge one side as good and the other as evil.

The awareness of cycles gives us humility because we understand there are phases to change ourselves. If there is an upside wave, there is also a downside. Chasing only the upside causes arrogance. That is why living with cycles gives us humility.

Those two concepts tell us history will prove it in the long run, even if we don’t get involved in those conflicts.


Those two concepts I explained above might allow us to stop worrying about social events.

This way of thinking might make us release our mental sticking to society.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.