These days, I often feel gratitude. So today, let’s talk about the emotion of gratitude. Perhaps we feel gratitude when we have gained more value without competition.
I think gratitude is one of the great emotions for feeling fulfilled. Many emotions bring us comforts, such as enjoyment, excitement, and relaxation. But in my opinion, gratitude gives me the deepest fulfillment.
But it’s difficult to feel it in many cases. Perhaps we cannot feel gratitude soon enough by trying to feel it.

Prerequisites to feeling gratitude
I think there are some prerequisites to feeling gratitude. They are as follows:
- We feel gratitude when we have gained more value than we have expended.
- Competition prevents feeling gratitude.
- Comparison with more unfortunate possibilities gives us gratitude.
- Appropriate knowledge about our expenditures and rewards makes healthy gratitude.
So let me explain them below.

The steps to feeling gratitude
First, we feel gratitude when we have gained more value than we have expended. This would be easy to understand. Unexpected fortune makes us happy. And then we feel gratitude.
But sometimes, we don’t feel gratitude, even if we get an unexpected fortune.
Then secondly, competition prevents feeling gratitude. Competition is the opposite concept of gratitude. When we compete, we assume that it’s natural to get. So the more we compete, the more we lose gratitude.
Third, comparison with more unfortunate possibilities gives us gratitude. We might feel that competition and comparison seem to be similar concepts. But they are different things. Gratitude is born because there is a possibility of more bad situations.

Knowledge makes healthy gratitude
Finally, appropriate knowledge about our expenditures and rewards makes healthy gratitude. If we don’t know about this world properly, we can be exploited by liars or those in power. They might push us overwork and tell us, “You should thank me because many people don’t even have a job.” That is not healthy gratitude.
In other words, the more we know about this world, the more we can live a better life with gratitude. If we know this world better, we can find a place that suits us better. It makes our lives more comfortable. And we know there could be worse situations or possibilities.
So healthy gratitude comes along with improving our lives. Gratitude with suffering is not true gratitude. We don’t need to suffer.
So I think that we feel gratitude when we have gained more value than we have expended. And we need to learn about this world to feel healthy gratitude.
In my case, I have recently been able to create value more affordably. That has made my life comfortable. I think that is why I feel gratitude so often these days.
If we understand this mechanism, we might be able to improve our lives with gratitude.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.