Category: Diary
I’m Making a Lot of Kimchi Because I Had No Choice but to Do It…
Now I’m making a lot of kimchi. And that made it difficult for me to write today’s article longer. So let me talk about what happened to me these two days. Today’s article entirely doesn’t matter. A box of Napa cabbage Two days ago, I found extremely affordable vegetables in the vegetable shop near my…
Why Baking Bread Was an Impressive Experience for Me
These days, I’m trying to bake bread. And that was an impressive experience for me. So today, I’m going to talk about it. Today’s article is about my daily feelings. My first baking bread experience As I mentioned above, I’ve been trying to bake bread these days. The trigger was my experience making yogurt. That…
I’m trying the “making foods from scratch” challenge
Recently, I’ve valued everyday life while simplifying my internet use. In other words, I value the real side while simplifying the virtual side now. So I’ll talk about my most recent real-life experiences and creations. It’s a short diary due to my busy schedule. The “making foods from scratch” challenge Recently, I’ve been fascinated with…
Preparation for Emergencies Is Important at Any Time
Today, I’ll talk about preparation a little. I think that preparation for emergencies is important at any time. Snowing in the snow-free areas It suddenly snowed heavily yesterday. Of course, I watched the weather forecast and expected it to be cold. But there was no snow forecast. That surprised me because I live in an…
My Worthless Logic: Chopsticks and Soy Sauce Make Japanese Healthy
Overview Today is a diary. I’ll write freely about my thoughts. By the way, today’s logic is one of the most worthless things in this blog.😂 I think that chopsticks and soy sauce might make Japanese healthy. Thinly sliced meat in Japan I like watching recipe and grocery shopping videos on YouTube. And I often…
Happy New Year 2023
Happy New Year! A new year has begun. I wish us a happy new year. May this year unfold many more joys and good things for us. I’m going to try new things this year to create my own way. “The last visiting shrines” By the way, many Japanese people go to the shrine at…