Considering Ambiguous Things: A Talent for Empathic and Creative People

I have long been trying to figure out how to use our personalities productively. Today, I will introduce one new concept for it. Considering the ambiguous things might give us opportunities.

How to use our unique talents

Sometimes, we want to use our unique talents to contribute to others. If we have strange natures, we often cannot do things the same way as our surroundings. It should indicate that we can do something different and unique. That makes us want to do what only we can do.

Having empathy and creativity is a typical example. Although many people have one of them, few have both. If we have such a nature, we should be able to do something unique.

If it is empathy or creativity alone, we can see many examples of contributions. For instance, we can find many kinds of jobs that use empathy. Supporting others, such as healthcare, childcare, nursing care, education, legal, finance, advice, or planning, are jobs that require empathy. The creative industry is the same. We can also easily find many jobs, such as programmers, engineers, mechanics, scientists, researchers, architects, painters, musicians, or other artists.

Where can we use our talents?

However, we often cannot find the areas to use those talents together. There are too few specific examples of areas where we can demonstrate our unique nature.

We can do one of these jobs, but it will not last long. We will get bored soon because we cannot show the other talent within us. We need to use both in moderation to fulfill ourselves.

Our nature may be for the turbulent era. In that period, we may easily contribute to others. However, even in a stable period, we want an opportunity.

That is why we want to know where to use our talents. I also have such a unique nature. That made me search for it for a long time.

Today, I will introduce one area to show a talent for empathic and creative people. It is the area of considering ambiguous things. This perspective might give us where and how to contribute.

Focusing on ambiguous things

If we have empathy and creativity, focusing on ambiguous things could be a way to contribute to others, even in a stable period.

Ambiguity is something that has no answer or no correct answer. We cannot simplify that causal relationship like mathematics. We have to consider at least two contradictory aspects, such as religion and science, intuition and contemplation, the future and the past, or our wants and others’.

Examples are listed below:

  • Happiness
  • The meaning of emotions
  • Future
  • Past without evidence or experience
  • Investment
  • Crowd psychology
  • Sensibility
  • Talent
  • Beauty and ugliness
  • Fortune and misfortune
  • Human mind
  • The purpose of our lives
  • The meaning of life

The path without the right answer

For example, try thinking of the following questions yourself: ‘What is happiness?’ ‘What is fear?’ ‘How will the future unfold?’ or ‘What determines beauty and ugliness?’

We will soon understand we cannot provide a unique answer without limiting the situation. There are many exceptions and different perspectives.

For example, someone’s happy event could be someone else’s sadness. The beauty sense of the minority is different from that of the majority. A change in perspective could change our interpretation of the past.

They are examples of ambiguity. They have duality or several aspects of values. Science alone or religion alone cannot answer the question. They are chaotic but regular. We can easily recognize the appearance but not comprehend the whole mechanism.

Considering them could be our strength. In other words, we can rethink or validate what others take for granted.

Unexpected results that give us opportunities

The unexpected results will allow us to think about it. We may experience them frequently, especially if we have an inferiority complex. In such a state, everything doesn’t go as planned. That makes us think about ambiguity.

The typical reaction is the question, “Why is this happening?”

Ambiguity makes us confused about cause and effect. If reality were as simple as mathematics, we would never feel like that.

That tells us the necessity of thinking about a life with no answers.

Of course, many people usually seek simple answers. However, in this world, there are always people who are not satisfied with the template answers, especially when people are discouraged.

Our philosophy could help ourselves and others.

They are all connected

In my opinion, the examples I listed above are all connected. Understanding one allows us to comprehend all of them.

For example, if we understand the duality of happiness, we can invest well at the same time. They are the same in terms of duality. In both cases, we will satisfy at least two contradictory aspects.

That is the point at which our abilities jump up. Although it requires training our philosophical muscles to understand duality, if we master it once, we will comprehend many complex things effortlessly.


Considering ambiguous things could be one talent for empathic and creative people.

Comprehending it will make our potential jump up.

This perspective might give us where and how to contribute.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.