Prepare and Wait Rather Than Breaking Through the Current Troubles: My New Approach to Getting Abundant

Recently, I began to try a new way of life. It is a lifestyle we prepare and wait instead of trying to break through the current troubles. I came to understand the whole mechanism little by little. Today, I will talk about it.

How to be abundant while solving our problems

Sometimes, we want to be abundant while solving our problems. When we want to be rich spiritually and materially, we have to avoid rewardless work. We want to fulfill ourselves by using our talents, such as empathy and creativity.

That is why we want a way to become abundant.

However, we often don’t know how to realize it.

I was in such a situation. Although I had cleared my mental problem dramatically these years, my material abundance had remained limited. I didn’t want to worry about money, and I wanted to live a more peaceful life. That made me think about and try a new style to change material abundance.

Recently, I realized that there is a more efficient style to be abundant. It is the style of preparing and waiting rather than breaking through or helping people. This style works well when combined with the concept of direction in life.

Today, I will explain the whole mechanism. This perspective might allow us to be wealthy while using our talents.

The four approaches to be abundant

To explain it, I will introduce the four types of personalities, as shown in the following image:

There are four personalities: extroverts, traditional empaths, innovative empaths, and innovators.

The four styles of each personality

There are four approaches to be abundant, corresponding to each personality, as follows:

  • Working patiently as part of society is the main style for extroverts.
  • Helping troubled people is the main style for traditional empaths.
  • Preparing and waiting for the next opportunity could be the main style for innovative empaths.
  • Breaking through the current troubles is the main style for innovators.

Those approaches indicate the difference in the style of how they get wealth with their talents. In other words, if we use a style that doesn’t suit us, it will be difficult to enrich ourselves.

For example, working patiently as part of society is common sense because the social majority is extroverts. However, we understand that it will not work for innovative empaths. They cannot tolerate repetitive tasks because they prefer freedom and improvement.

Innovative empaths can understand the way of helping troubled people and breaking through the current troubles. However, those approaches are not enough to satisfy them on their own. We have to satisfy both aspects.

The best style for innovative empaths could be the style of preparing and waiting for the next opportunity.

Assume we are innovative empaths in this article. Let me explain our styles below.

The value-creation style: preparing and waiting

If we are innovative empaths who have empathy and creativity, preparing and waiting for the next opportunity could be our main style, in my opinion.

The reason for this is because we can use our empathy and creativity together. Empathy allows us to worry and prepare for the long-term future. Creativity gives us the ability to discern what is most likely to happen. This combination makes us abundant while solving our current problems.

Perhaps using an example makes it easier to understand. Assume we invest. Investment is one of the typical activities that use empathy (long-term preparations) and creativity (discerning future possibilities).

In investment, we prepare and wait. First, we predict the future by finding cycles of social change. Next, we think about what is or will be missing and left over. In other words, we predict what is expensive or inexpensive for ourselves or others now and in the future. Then, we prepare for the social change. We buy cheap things that will be expensive. Finally, we wait until the time to use or sell them. That makes us more abundant.

It is the same as being frugal. Frugality is another form of investment. We prepare for the future efficiently.

Turning our preparations into assets

We can focus on preparations rather than solving current problems. That allows us to use our talents well. We can be calm if we get better in the long term, even if we lose a little in the short term.

In this style, we think of our preparations as assets. They make us wealthy as long as we can predict the future appropriately.

Preparations are different from breaking through the current troubles. The former is focusing on the future. The latter is based on the current situation.

That distinction allows us to take action without fear or hesitation because we can ignore trivial losses.

Preparation that solves our current problems

It means we ignore the current problems we have. Although it sounds like we cannot improve our lives forever, it is more efficient for us in that way.

Try thinking about why we have a problem now. It is because we cannot solve it in our current situation. We might not have enough resources or opportunities. In other words, we have to find something else that changes our situation.

That is why we focus on the preparations. Predicting the most likely changes in the future allows us to use them as opportunities. If we have a direction in life, that will indicate the way to solve our current problems.

Application examples

We can apply this approach to many troubles.

For example, in my case, I recently had a problem that I had to move out of my current house. In this case, I gave up on solving the problem in that situation. I didn’t have enough money or another human network to secure a comfortable house affordably.

Instead, I began to focus on what could change in the future. I predicted that my assets would change within a year. The financial and housing markets would collapse in two years. I will be more seclusive in the countryside in the future. I found the most likely events.

That allowed me to prepare for the seclusion and wait for the time. I found that if I had a house or rent to live in, even if it would be in bad condition, I could be flexible. That awareness allowed me to stop struggling blindly.

An example of digital creations

We can apply that style to our creations. Let’s say we are making something digitally. Now we are in a survival situation. AI has increased efficiency, and many people have entered the digital creation market. That caused a decline not only in those jobs but also in profits.

Maybe large-scale unemployment or loss of income will begin after a little while. In other words, now is the worst time to start digital creation for business, in my opinion.

However, from the long-term perspective, it turns out that the market collapse of the digital creation will be the best time to start.

That allows us to prepare for it and take that opportunity.

We can use that style. Although it will not give us immediate results, that allows us to ignore trivial losses. We can solve our current problems by proceeding in our life direction.

Many people cannot imitate this style. Only innovative empaths can do this. That would be a way to use our talents efficiently.


That would be a style that suits us.

We can prepare and wait instead of breaking through the current troubles. That is also a way to solve our current problems.

If we are empathic and creative, this perspective might allow us to be abundant while using our talents.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.