How to Use Empathy for Empathic and Creative People

In the previous article (this article), I explained how we lose direction in our lives. If our empathy and creativity become servants of sociality and competition in our minds, we will never be satisfied. Today, I will talk about how to use our empathy.

How to use our individuality while living comfortably

Sometimes, we want more mental fulfillment. We sometimes cannot create peaceful lives, no matter how patient we are.

At the same time, we want to show our talents. Using individuality gives us the feeling of getting the best out of ourselves.

Although we want both, we might guess we must sacrifice one to gain the other.

The rare talents: empathy and creativity

Rare talents can often be tricky to use.

Empathy and creativity are examples of rare talents. The majority don’t have both. Although some have either, people with both are remarkable. If we have such a personality, the better we can use them well, the more fulfilling we are.

However, we sometimes cannot use them efficiently due to their rarity. We cannot use those talents if we live in the same way as our surroundings. The teachings of the majority, or common sense, often prevent us from showing our talents well.

That is why we want to know how to use our individuality.

Today, I will introduce how to use empathy. The empathic majority and the minority use it differently. This knowledge might allow us to use our individuality while living comfortably.

The four types of personalities

To explain that, I will introduce the four types of personalities that I use often, as shown in the following image:

We classify our personalities by two axes: empathy and creativity.

Traditional empaths vs. innovative empaths

There are four types: extroverts, traditional empaths, innovative empaths, and innovators.

In this article, we focus on and compare two empathic personalities: traditional empaths and innovative empaths.

Empathy is a feature that allows us to feel emotional feedback. We can feel others’ emotions. In addition, we can feel emotions in reality, even in imagined situations, such as worrying about the future. That makes us consider our surroundings’ emotions, feel like pleasing others, or prepare for the future. Emotional feedback makes us react that way.

However, there are different ways to use it based on personality, as follows:

  • Traditional empaths: They can also use empathy to visualize their goals. Their goals are always based on existing social positions. Their lack of individuality allows them to fit into the social system. They are the majority of empathic people.
  • Innovative empaths: They can use empathy to use their individuality safely. They have to be attentive to their surroundings to show their talents because showing individuality often disrupts social order. The majority usually tries to eliminate the strange members that people don’t know how to contribute to society. Empathy allows them to show their individuality safely and go their way with an ambiguous goal. They are the minority of empathic people.

Assume we are innovative empaths in this article. Then, let me explain deeper below.

Differences in the use of empathy

Traditional empaths and innovative empaths use empathy differently. If we confuse them, we lose our direction in life and are hard to satisfy, no matter how patient we are.

A typical example is visualizing goals. Many spiritual books tell us that the more we visualize the goal, the easier it is to realize it. Positive affirmations, or the law of attraction, are examples. They say that telling ourselves positive words or images, such as “I can do it,” “I have value,” or “I am worthy of love,” makes us energetic, and they become a reality.

However, that works only for traditional empaths because they are not logical. They cannot judge themselves due to a lack of logical sense. They can believe what they want to believe. They follow authorities, such as trends, traditions, or the words of people with social status. That is why fanatics are often made up of traditional empaths.

That nature makes visualizing goals work for them. A lack of individuality, an ability to become a part of the social system, and the ability to believe without logical backing allow them to use visualizing goals effectively.

In innovative empaths’ case

On the other hand, visualizing goals usually prevents innovative empaths from fulfilling their lives because it prevents us from using our individuality well. We often don’t know how our individuality will be useful to society.

In other words, we need to find out how to use our individuality while making trials and errors. Sometimes, we create something that doesn’t yet exist in our society. That is why visualizing goals or trying to acquire existing social status impacts us negatively.

Perhaps that is why innovative empaths are interested in major spiritual books but tend to keep a distance from them in the end. Those books don’t fit our way of using empathy.

How to use our empathy

We might have to use our empathy differently, as follows:

  • To consider not to cause trouble to society
  • For long-term survival without relying on society
  • To limit weak people to whom we help

Thinking about the social role of minorities will give us direction. Society exists for the survival of the majority. Although the social majority can change their rules based on their convenience, they cannot easily migrate to another society.

On the other hand, the minority use societies for their convenience. Although it is hard to change society for them, they can easily migrate to another society and use the beneficial side of society.

The lifestyle of the personality minority

That role tells us how to use empathy efficiently. We use it to maximize our individuality and minimize our unnecessary relationships with society.

We don’t have to control society based on our strange preferences. Society is for the majority.

In addition, thinking logically in the long term gives us peace of mind. We don’t know what turns out to be good or bad in the long term. People can learn from and improve from bad experiences, even terrible wars or famines. A blessing often appears in disguise. We know that there are things that we cannot understand without failure. Such a long-term, logical perspective allows us to accept short-term social misfortunes or conflicts.

Even if we are the minority, we can profit by predicting those social changes. Investment is an example. Being the minority doesn’t mean being less abundant. We can determine our abundance based on our individuality. Living in the countryside peacefully would be an example.

Perhaps that is an efficient way to use empathy for those people with individuality, like us.


That could be a way to use empathy effectively if we are empathic and creative.

The empathic majority and the minority use empathy differently. We can use it to minimize our unnecessary relationships with society and maximize our individuality.

This knowledge might allow us to use our individuality while living comfortably.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.