The Necessary and Unnecessary Lies of Each Personality

Let’s talk about our personalities. Perhaps people reading this blog tend to have strange characteristics, like me. So today, I will explain our necessary and unnecessary lies for a living.

How to deal with lies, including ours

Sometimes, we suffer from lies. There are several kinds of lies, such as necessary or unnecessary lies. Or such as to ourselves, to others, or from others.

We sometimes might want to stop lying to ourselves and live honestly with our desires, especially when we feel they are unnecessary. We sometimes lie to protect ourselves because we have to live safely. Perhaps they are necessary lies. We sometimes cannot accept others’ lies that seem unnecessary.

We sometimes don’t know how to deal with these lies. So, we often suffer from lies, including ours.

This distinction might help us in such situations: we have necessary and unnecessary lies for each personality. So, let’s talk about it.

Four types of personality classification

To explain it, let’s use my four types of personality classification that I introduced in an earlier article (this article). That is like below:

We classify human personalities into four types. The lower left we go, the more extroverted the personality. The upper right we go, the more introverted. This time, we use extroverts (lower left) and innovative empaths (upper right).

  • Extroverts (below left): People lie to others to take advantage because they have similar characteristics. Fewer characteristics make them lie.
  • Innovative empaths (upper right): People lie to others to stay peaceful in society because they have strange characteristics. Too many characteristics make them lie.

In short, their characteristics make the difference. Then, let me explain each of their lies.

Extroverts lie to gain an advantage

Extroverts lie to gain an advantage because they have fewer characteristics. Perhaps they can live even without lies. But if they don’t lie, people treat them as featureless people. That makes them poorer because almost all their surrounding extroverts lie and have opportunities. In addition, they cannot start something unique due to fewer characteristics.

In other words, they have no possibilities in their characteristics. The opportunity is only in lies or exaggerations.

So they lie to pretend to be great, characteristic people.

Innovative empaths lie to live safely in society

On the other hand, innovative empaths lie to live safely in society because they have too many characteristics. If they don’t lie, people treat them as strange people. And sometimes, people see us as harmful. That is critical, especially during childhood.

So innovative empaths lie to live safely in society.

If we understand this difference, we can distinguish what lies are necessary. And we also can let go of unnecessary lies.

Innovative empaths don’t need to lie after growing up

If we are innovative empaths, we don’t have to lie like extroverts because we have characteristics. Our characteristics are possibilities that extroverts will never be able to get, no matter how much they desire and struggle.

So, if we are innovative empaths, we don’t need to pretend to be great, characteristic people.

But at the same time, we need to find out how to use our strange characteristics. Perhaps the stranger the characteristic is, the harder it is to find out how to use it. But it will have a more impact on society.

Of course, we have to lie when we live in society. But after we start contributing to others with our characteristics, we will no longer have to lie in that area.

In other words, honesty with our characteristics brings us contribution and peace of mind that we don’t lie.

Confusing them makes suffering

If we confuse it, we tend to suffer because we try to lie like extroverts. We might try to get skills or status that don’t relate to our characteristics. That makes us feel guilt: “I want to be honest with myself.” Or “I don’t want to lie to others anymore.”

Perhaps the inferiority complex of innovative empaths is one of them. We already have characteristics to contribute to others. But we compare things that don’t relate to our characteristics. That makes us depressed.


So, we have necessary and unnecessary lies for each personality.

The characteristics make the difference. Extroverts lie due to fewer characteristics. On the other hand, innovative empaths had to lie, especially during childhood, to live safely in society due to too many characteristics.

This distinction might help us let go of our unnecessary lies and live honestly with ourselves.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.