Not Working Too Much Is One of the Keys to Long-Lasting Fun

Today, I’ll talk about how to create our fun last longer. I think not working too much is one of the keys to lasting.

How to create long-lasting fun

Although I sometimes mention this topic, we sometimes want to have long-lasting fun. At such times, I think not working too much is one of the keys to lasting.

I think this is like our muscles. There would be the following tendency:

  • If we worked too much, we would get tired quickly.
  • But if we also do a less-than-thorough or incomplete job, even a little, we get tired quickly.
  • In many cases, we easily get tired when we don’t try new things. Keeping means decaying in fun.
  • Trying some new things without overworking makes fun. Sometimes we need to reduce the amount of work to do so.

Staying in comfortable areas

In other words, the key is staying in areas where we feel comfortable. For example, when we begin some exercise, there are comfortable amounts to move our muscles. Overworking is harmful. And when we don’t feel well or have a bad condition, we need to reduce the amount of exercise to keep our comfort.

Our physical state changes every day, every season, and at every stage of our lives. So we need to listen to the voices of our bodies. We need to adjust the amount of work in keeping with the voices of our bodies.

Sometimes, making a plan to keep the same pace every day doesn’t make sense. I think it will make us easily tired if our conditions change.

And if we want to make a plan, it’s better to have a plan that thinks about our inner voices. “Fun” is an emotional thing. So our inner voice guides our fun. And our inner voices will change like a wave according to our conditions. Such a plan would work.


So I think not working too much is one of the keys to lasting.

If we understand this logic, we might be able to enjoy our long-lasting fun comfortably.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.