My Favorite Resolution Against “If I Had More Money” Syndrome


Today is about my lifestyle.

Today’s conclusion is that we can use “useless things” when we have “If I had more money” syndrome.

Winter is coming!

Winter is coming! I like winter’s atmosphere because I can concentrate more easily on my thinking.

However, the house I’m currently living in is easy to get cold. This house is comfortable during the summer, but a bit cold in the winter, especially at night.

In addition, energy prices are going higher.

So, I improved my room’s temperature with my handcrafting.

Making window heat shields

I made some window heat shields that prevent warmth from going out through the window.

Materials are like this.

  • Large cardboard (packages of online shopping)
  • Steel wire (in my toolbox)

That’s all! It’s simple. I like simple.


After cutting the cardboard, fix it with steel wire. (picture below)

↑ My handmade heat shield

Then I put these boards on the window at night. Easily put on and take off.

This works well

This works really well. During the night, the temperature rose 2-3 degrees (Celsius). Cardboard is a great material for a heat shield.

I think 2-3 degrees is a big difference. I got more comfort. Maybe I can use this for several years.

In addition, I spend no money. The materials are the things in my house. The only cost is my 1.5 hours. (I did trial and error to fix it easily.)

The only negative thing is that it doesn’t look good from outside during the night.😂

We don’t have it, so

Of course, it’s easier to buy some commercial products. These are more beautiful and may be a little more efficient.

However, I think such a “money first resolution” brings us a problem. I call it the “If I had more money” syndrome.

If we had enough money, we could solve many problems easily. Not only money but also many resources. We would say, “If only I had more of this.”

But we can’t have everything from the beginning. We don’t have enough resources. We can’t do the same as our surroundings or social winners. So we are struggling with our lives.

Focusing on “useless things”

I think the chances are in the “useless things” for us. For example, we think cardboard is useless after shipping. We may think our unusual human nature is useless. Sometimes we might think, “I’m useless.”

But these are not accurate. These are “things people don’t know how to use” or “things people haven’t discovered how to use.”

I think if we understand the cardboard’s characteristics and possibilities, we could find or create new values.

There are so many such “useless things.” Actually, I often feel, “I don’t know why they exist.”

I think when we find the reason for existing, we can use it for ourselves.


So we can use the “useless things” when we have “If I had more money” syndrome.

We don’t have everything from the beginning. That’s not what matters. We can find new meanings and values.

This logic can be applied to many things. For example, if we applied this to cooking, we might be able to have better meals affordably.

I like such a way of thinking.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next article.