To Earn Money, This Cycle of Trends Might Tell Us the Next Opportunity
Recently, I have been reconstructing my thoughts by applying cycles. That makes it easier to find the opportunity. Today, I will introduce a cycle to earn money. Although this is part of the whole view, it might help us. How to find a new place to earn Sometimes, we want to find a new opportunity…
A Logic to Prepare to Live Well in the Coming Wartime
Recently, I have talked about topics that mention war. Since topics about war might be sensitive in the future, I will talk about them now. Today, I will explain why frugality and mobility help us live well in wartime by seeing the logic of war. How to prepare for the coming wartime Sometimes, we want…
When We Try to Help Someone, Avoiding People Without Trouble Might Give Us a Mental Reward
Recently, I often felt like thinking about how to help others. Perhaps this is because I have had more relaxation and comfort in everyday life. Today, I will talk about how to find people to whom we can give our help. How to find people to whom we can give our help Sometimes, we feel…
We Don’t Need to Be Afraid of “Doomsday”; I Will Explain Why With a Concept of the Cycle
Recently, I have been fascinated with explaining things with a cycle. The concept of the cycle makes confusing things understandable. Today, I will talk about the “doomsday” to let go of our anxieties. How to let go of the fear of “the end” Several days ago, I saw news about the “doomsday clock.” The doomsday…
Why Did Those Countries Begin Wars So Suddenly? Explaining It With a Social Cycle
I have talked about the social cycle in recent days. Today, I will explain the meanings of events we often see in the news, especially the meaning of wars and restrictions on immigration. Why are they reacting like that? When we watch the news, we are sometimes confused by confusing information from all over the…
To Foresee the Future, I Will Explain the Social Cycle With a Currency Example
Recently, I have explained the cycle of society through our differences in personalities. This perspective tells us how our social system works and how we foresee the future of our communities. Today, I will add more details with an example of a currency cycle. What to prepare for the future Sometimes, we want to foresee…