A Way to Reduce Fear of Change: Explaining Why Logic Eliminates Fear
Now I am fascinated with developing a new mental framework, the Cross-Judging method. It allows us to explain our mental system more easily. Today, I will explain a way to reduce fear based on that method. It might help us change our futures with fun. How to reduce fear Sometimes, we want to reduce our…
A Thinking Tool to Balance Our Wants Based on the Cross-Judging Method
Recently, I have been developing a mental framework called the Cross-Judging method. It makes it easy to explain how our mind works. Today, I will introduce a thinking tool to balance our wants based on that method. How to solve inner conflicts over our options Sometimes, we have inner conflicts over our options and want…
How to Get Motivated With the Cross-Judging Method
Recently, I have developed a mental therapy method called the Cross-Judging method. We can apply it to many mental adjustments. Typical examples are getting motivated or finding something fun to do next. Today, I will talk about it. Perhaps this motivational way will be a brand-new method to get motivation based on a mental system.…
Avoiding Empathic Stories Could Ease the Mental Problems Caused by Empathy
A week ago, I said I had solved all of my mental troubles thanks to the new method, the Cross-Judging Method. Then, I realized another factor that affects our minds. Reading empathic stories could make the problems caused by empathy worse. Today, I will talk about the reason. How to solve troubles with high empathy…
A Way to Maximize Our Opportunities: An Additional Explanation About Stages of Life
I introduced the concept of stages of life in the previous article (this article). Today, I will add an explanation to maximize our opportunities. How to get more opportunities Sometimes, we want to get more opportunities. We can be more energetic when we know we can be more abundant. Hope provides the energy to live…
My Favorite Two Concepts to Begin a New Life: A Stage of Life and Getting Things Finished
Recently, I began a new life. As I mentioned in the previous article (this article), I solved my mental problems. Thanks to that, the stage of my life changed, although I am still considering how to spend my life. Today, I will introduce my favorite two concepts to begin a new life. How to change…