Free Talk About Emotions and Ambiguity

Although I wrote today’s article, I trashed it after I checked it out again due to the incomplete content. Therefore, today is a short, free talk.

Knowing how to control ourselves

Recently, I have come to feel that knowing how to control myself is important. That includes understanding our emotions correctly.

We often misunderstand that we have to deal with the emotion, especially if it is negative. We believe they are things we should turn into positive.

However, it may be wrong. We cannot control our emotions. Emotions are neither good nor bad. They are only signals. Controlling emotions means distorting the perception of reality.

What we can do is recognize them correctly and make decisions based on our values.

Distorting emotions causes confusion toward reality. Unrewarded efforts are a typical example. We make efforts because we expect results. If we cannot get rewards, our recognition of reality is wrong. In other words, if we can perceive reality, we can keep improving, even little by little.

That is why I recently think understanding our emotions correctly is important. It is the first step to recognizing reality correctly.

Mental power to step forward in the ambiguity

By the way, I often felt that if we want to change, we sometimes need mental power to step forward in the ambiguity.

We often want a clear goal vision because it gives us mental comfort. On the other hand, proceeding without it makes us uneasy.

However, I came to think it is a thinking habit. When we tend to depend on empathy or imagination, we try to stick to a goal vision. The clearer, the more reassuring.

On the other hand, when we use logical sense, we don’t need such imagination. We can proceed without imagination.

An example of the sense of direction

Perhaps this is the same as how to get to our destination. People who use only empathy tend to have little sense of direction because they use only imagination. They use maps and memorize turning points along the way.

Although that is easy to remember, it will be hard to recover once we get off the right root.

On the other hand, if we can recognize the location from the perspective of a large area, we can get there, even if we lose the shortest root. We determine the direction from large landmarks we can see from anywhere, such as mountains, tall buildings, or railways.

This is a logical way. This gives us a sense of direction.

This allows us to proceed, even if darkness surrounds us.

Investing surrounded by ambiguity

It can apply to investment. Looking for perfection in our investments often makes us lose the sense of direction.

Investment is something with duality. It means the process is ambiguous, even if the result seems clear. We can accurately understand the historical prices in numerical terms. They make us feel like we can calculate the results accurately, like mathematics.

However, it is a misconception caused by appearance. It is the same as our minds. There is ambiguity in those processes.

That is why looking for perfect calculations in our investments often makes us lose the sense of direction. Although proper logic is necessary, there is no perfect prediction.

Going with such ambiguity may allow us to develop our independence.


They are what I have been thinking about these days.

I am now heading toward independence. This is my current direction in life.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.