Introducing the Mental State When We Follow Our Direction in Life Without an Inferiority Complex

In the previous article (this article), I talked about duality in our minds. Today, I will explain the difference in our mental state in more detail.

How to begin something without mental conflict

Sometimes, we want to take on new challenges without mental conflict. Although we want to begin something to improve our lives, another side within us could claim to stop it.

For example, if we want fame to earn more money, another voice within us says, “How do you make it happen?” That depresses us. Even if we try to take action by force, the voice tells us, “What if you fail?” or “What if someone you don’t like comes out?” That threatens us.

That makes us hesitate to act and feel stagnate. Although specific methods and risk management are important, they seem to be hindering our dreams.

Those mental conflicts exhaust us. That often makes us ignore those negative aspects, focus on only the positive aspects of accomplishment, and take action while paralyzing our sense of risk. It is like a bull. Although forgetting negative thoughts might be comfortable, it sometimes drives us off a cliff.

What does give us a harmonious mental state?

On the other hand, we sometimes experience a harmonious mental state to accomplish something. We can take action boldly and warily. Finding new methods or feeling the risk doesn’t prevent our actions. We can learn with pleasure. We can predict the future with joy, like enjoying solving puzzles.

They support the realization of our dreams.

What causes those differences? If we can get such a harmonious mental state, we can take action calmly without being exhausted by mental conflict.

Today, I will explain what causes such a mind and how we feel in such a mental state. The direction in life determines it. This knowledge might allow us to take action with mental calmness.

The direction that brings us a harmonious mental state

If we head in the direction in life that suits our personalities, we can feel a harmonious mental state. On the other hand, if an inferiority complex drives us to go in a direction that doesn’t suit us, the negative thoughts prevent us from taking action.

To explain it, let me introduce the basic mental logic.

Our minds are not simple. We have at least two aspects of values. For example, if we are empathic and creative, we have two senses: empathy and logic. Empathy enables us to imagine an ideal state but also warns us of the worst case. The logical sense could give us ways to make it happen but also discourage us by telling the harsh reality.

If we are empathic and creative, independence would be an ideal direction, and heading toward the direction depending on society would increase our stress. An inferiority complex confuses our sense of direction and makes us follow the wrong one—a direction toward dependence.

How we feel in the harmonious mental state

When we follow the right direction, we have a harmonious mental state. The two aspects inside us cooperate.

Taking action boldly and warily is an example. Our imagination and logical sense cooperate.

“About 60% of the time, it seems to be achievable. Then I will try. It is worth a try.” That allows us to go bravely.

“However, it means a 40% chance of failure. Leaving room for failure would be better.” That gives us vigilance and calmness.

Imagination and logical sense cooperate. We don’t feel impatience. We can go forward while accepting the failure. We can willingly sacrifice our resources. Although a high-risk area could make us attentive, it doesn’t discourage us. We proceed carefully.

Examples of proceeding in the wrong direction

On the other hand, when we follow the wrong direction by being driven by an inferiority complex, the conflict between the positive and the negative exhausts us, and we tend to lean on one side and ignore the other.

For example, if we lean on the positive side, we try to eliminate the negative side.

“It could fail. In that case, I could die. I don’t want to die! I can never fail!” That prevents us from starting to act.

“But I want to achieve it! I must accomplish it without flaws!” That causes the pursuit of harmful perfection.

Those attitudes stress us. Cutting off the retreat, sticking to the shortest path, not allowing even the slightest loss, affirming only the positive side, and repressing the negative events are typical examples. They are unhealthy mentally.

The reason why we cannot retreat

In such a mental state, we fear failure because we cannot afford to fail. That makes us uneasy, even though we are trying to improve our lives.

If hope drives us, we don’t feel such fear. Hope gives us the mental energy to overcome fear. In other words, something other than hope drives us, and it causes fear of failure.

Wanting to let go of fear makes us want to depend on positive thinking. Positive affirmation is a typical example. If we look at only a good aspect and ignore the negative effects, we will be excited about anything. We feel we can do everything. It is like a drag.

However, if we look at it objectively, we will soon find it crazy. An inferiority complex causes positive thinking.

On the other hand, a healthy mental state allows us to proceed with a harmonious mental state. In this state, the negative side cooperates with the positive side. They don’t exhaust us.


That is the difference in mental state between being in the right direction and the wrong one.

When we follow the right direction, we have a harmonious mental state. The two aspects inside us cooperate.

This knowledge might allow us to think about which direction to take.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.