Affirmation and Negation Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Today, I’ll talk about our minds. I think that affirmation and negation are two sides of the same coin. So we don’t need to stick to forgiving others.

What to do when we cannot forgive it

Several months ago, I saw someone tweet, “I cannot forgive my parents. But I have to forgive them. But I cannot.”

She seemed to be suffering and struggling with her relationship with her parents. And many spiritualists say, “Forgive others; don’t deny.” She seemed to follow such words, but she couldn’t do so.

We sometimes believe so. “Don’t deny it; forgive it.” Negation is a bad thing. And affirmation is a good thing.

But I think they are two sides of the same coin. If we get this perspective, we might be able to change our lives.

Affirmation and negation are the same thing

This logic is simple. Affirmation and negation are concepts that we cannot do at the same time. And they are complementary concepts.

In such a situation, if we choose one side, it means we give up the other side. That’s just the difference in our viewpoints. If we decide to stay at home, we give up going out. If we follow our parents’ orders painfully, we give up following our inner voices. We always have both affirmation and negation at the same time. So they are two sides of the same coin.

And in this situation, such words as “Don’t deny, forgive it” are sometimes nonsense for those who want to change. Because we always do both at the same time. So we cannot change anything. And we are just staying in our current situation.

Thinking with “keep it or change it”

At such times, the viewpoint of “keep it or change it” would be a good option. From this viewpoint, we can freely decide to deny or accept.

This viewpoint would give us the freedom to change, especially for someone who has many assumptions and restrictions.

Of course, we could fail or lose something. But it also means that we succeeded in something and acquired something, even if we feel we made a loss. “Changing” means so. So someone who keeps changing tends to be able to think freely.


So I think that affirmation and negation are two sides of the same coin. Sometimes such a positive thought prevents us from changing our current situations.

But we can also decide from the viewpoint of “keep it or change it.” This could give us a new perspective.

If we have this perspective, we might be able to change our lives easier.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.