In an earlier article (this article), I explained why the wish ‘If only I had more money’ causes stagnation. Then, I noticed that it has two contradictory aspects that prevent us from changing. Today, I will talk about it.
How to solve the money problem
Sometimes, we want to solve the money problem when heading toward independence. Although we want to live peacefully and joyfully, we don’t have enough money.
That makes us focus on a way to make enough money, such as building our own business. However, it often causes stagnation because it is not directly linked to the purpose.

This is the same as hunger. When we are hungry, we can cook something at hand. That fills our stomachs, even if it is not tasty. This is a direct way to fill our hunger.
On the other hand, trying to build a business is a means of a means. It is not directly linked to our hunger. In addition, we are not always good at making a new business, including sales or advertising. That makes us lose motivation and causes stagnation.
To realize independence without money
In other words, we want to realize independence without money.
However, we sometimes don’t know how to do it.

Today, I will introduce two opposite ways to fill ourselves without relying on money or other social resources, such as status or fame. This might allow you to proceed toward more self-reliance while satisfying your contradictory wants.
Two contradictory aspects to fill
If we head toward independence, there are always contradictory ways. In other words, one supreme way, such as chasing money, is not for independence.
This concept allows us to let go of the wish for money and teaches how we can go forward toward independence.
To explain it, let me introduce our duality. We have two contradictory wants, such as a want to be active or take a rest. We have to fill both. This balancing satisfies us.

There are also two opposite meanings of desiring for money. Here are typical examples:
- Wishing for money to get away from stress: This is the resting side of our contradictory wants. Our honest feeling is ‘I am exhausted.’ We want rest rather than activity.
- Wishing for money for more fun: This is the active side. We feel, ‘I am bored with this fixed situation.’ We want activity rather than rest.
There are two contradictory aspects to spending money, just as we have conflicting desires. In other words, our desire for money also sways between those two.
Two opposite solutions
This distinction gives us essential solutions, as follows:
- When we want to get away from stress, awareness of our ignorance of the world creates solutions. We don’t know about this world and the result of our decision to proceed toward independence. This realization makes us feel fear for assuming that the current environment is the best state.
- When we want more fun, awareness of our wisdom and knowledge of the world creates solutions. We know enough about this world. This confidence makes us take action and allows us to find a new passion.

We can switch the awareness of our ignorance and knowledge. Although they are contradictory, both allow us to get out of the current situation.
The means that helps in independence
There is one characteristic of the methods that helps us to be independent: there are always contradictory ways. As long as we have contradictory wants, there are always two ways to realize our independence.
In other words, one supreme way, such as chasing money, is not for independence. It is for going toward dependence on society. If we can find no contradictory side, it is not a way for self-reliance.
These two ways are contradictory but inseparable. They are closely connected to each other.

For example, knowledge of ignorance allows us to doubt our beliefs. We can re-recognize the outside world correctly and go out into it. If we can do it appropriately, we naturally switch toward the side of awareness of knowledge.
Awareness of knowledge gives us confidence. We can try to adapt to the world or change it. Although it is a harder way, we can enjoy it. After doing trial and error, we will reach the limit of knowledge. That makes us return to the other side: knowledge of ignorance.
They are contradictory but closely connected to each other.
Two contradictory ways that ensure independence
Finding these kinds of contradictory ways allows us to advance smoothly. We can switch our ways when we get stuck.
This frees us from sticking to one supreme way, such as making money for independence.

There will be many angles. We need to be aware of both, or it will cause stagnation.
In my case, I once thought that going with things we have at hand was the best way to be independent. However, it was not appropriate. There is another, opposite way: giving up what we have at hand. This is also a way to proceed at times.
These kinds of contradictory ways suit independence.
These are two opposite ways to fill ourselves without relying on money.
If we head toward independence, there are always contradictory ways. In other words, one supreme way, such as choosing money, is not for independence.
This knowledge might allow you to proceed toward more self-reliance even without money.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.