In the previous article (this article), I mentioned the feeling of ‘For now, let’s go as far as I can.’ This is a rational way to proceed in unknown environments.
Today, I will talk about the opposite: the cause that creates stagnation.
How to solve the stagnation caused by money
Sometimes, we want more money to be independent. Money can make a lot of things happen. You also know the power of money.
This belief makes us work hard for money.

However, we often feel like we are not proceeding toward independence, no matter how hard we try to earn money.
An example of stagnation
For example, we might try to build a new business for money. Even if we complete a product, we often feel no progress on it because many other things need to be done, such as marketing, advertising, sales, and development of the next product.
In addition, there could be parts that we are not good at. If we are not talented at socializing or repeating the same thing, sales or repetitive production suffer us. That makes us unconfident and lose motivation.

That makes us wish for more money and make more effort. We start to be patient, even if we sacrifice one aspect of our wants—a want to take a rest. A bad cycle of being patient, struggling, and stagnation begins.
In such a case, knowing the logic of why such stagnation happens would help us. The wish ‘If only I had more money’ causes stagnation to be independent. Today, I will explain the logic.
Two reactions to wish
When we head toward independence, we can steadily improve our lives. We can gradually be free while reducing things we don’t want. In other words, even with a small achievement, we can feel improvement in our lives.
This is because our effort is directly linked to an achievement. It means when our efforts are not directly linked to independence, we cannot feel progress.

There are two reactions when confronted with what we want, as follows:
- Wishing for something we don’t have (including wishing for more money): This makes us focus on the missing thing that is not directly linked to independence, such as money or status. In other words, getting the missing thing is one means, and we focus on it.
- Trying to make it happen with what we have at hand: This makes us focus on realizing independence directly.
If you want steady improvement, the latter would suit you. I will explain why below.
Using what we have at hand
There is a simple principle: we cannot use what we don’t have.
Although it is obvious, society sometimes confuses us about it because we can feel there is money. Money is everywhere in society, such as in stores or banks. In addition, there are also assets that people can buy with it, such as cars, bags, clothes, groceries, houses, or amusements.

If we are surrounded by them, it is natural that we feel there is money. If we can use it, it is easy to achieve our desires. This makes us focus on money.
However, we have to distinguish between the existence of money and having it. We are not always good at getting it.
Why wishing for money causes stagnation
This focus often creates stagnation because getting money is one means to make our independence happen.
Money is one means of achieving independence. It means that the ways to get money are the means of a means. It is confusing and complicated.

This is why we don’t feel progress. Our efforts are not linked to the end directly. Even if we achieve finishing one production, there is nothing that can make us feel more independent.
This makes us lose motivation and causes stagnation.
How we can proceed only with things at hand
On the other hand, if we use the things we have at hand, we can move toward independence directly. Although it may not be perfect, we can satisfy our wants, even a little.
Imagine we are hungry now. We want to satisfy it. If we try to make money and build our business, we cannot satisfy it soon. Even if we complete a product, we are still hungry. Making a product doesn’t connect to solving hunger directly.
However, if we can cook something with the foods we have at hand or affordable things we can get soon, we can directly fill our stomachs. Although it might not be tasty, we can at least satisfy hunger.

In this case, we focus on food, not money. Food is directly connected to the hunger. In other words, we can focus on the means of an end, not a means of a means.
If we move forward toward a new environment of cooking, we will discover many unexpected things. We might find more affordable foods or ways of cooking. They are also new means that fill our stomachs. We can progress and fill our hunger. That makes us motivated and allows us to proceed more.
Becoming independent is the same. We use the things at hand, move forward, discover new means that directly improve our states, apply them to our lives, and keep proceeding. It is a chain of new means that directly fulfills the end.
Focusing on means first
This logic tells us, ‘Focus on means, instead of a means of a means.’
We can choose a direct means first. Trying to achieve a means of a means often creates complications and stagnation, such as trying to make one’s own business to make money.

We can do it with what we have at hand. The attitude, ‘For now, let’s go as far as I can,’ would be a way to do this.
It may require our resolution to head toward independence because it is easy to make a change. However, it also means we can change our situations steadily, even little by little.
That is the logic of why the wish ‘If only I had more money’ causes stagnation.
If our effort is directly linked to an achievement, we can feel the improvement in our lives, even with a small achievement.
Focus on means, instead of a means of a means.
This knowledge might allow you to change your state more easily.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.