Now, I am trying to build a more independent way of life. This is interesting. It reassures me. In addition, it allows me to be freer.
Today, I will talk about why independence doesn’t require boldness.
How to be bolder to be independent
Sometimes, we want more boldness to take action to live more independently. In many cases, boldness or courage makes it easier to achieve something, such as starting up one’s own business.
That is why we want such a mental strength.

However, this is counterproductive when we want to live more self-reliantly. Being timid is better for independence.
Today, I will explain why.
Boldness vs. timidness
If we want to live more self-reliantly, being timid makes it easier to take action.
To explain it, let me introduce two ways of life, as follows:
- A way of life to be more dependent on society: Bolder is better. It gives us social evaluation. Boldness means loyalty and trust in society. When we become bold, we suppress one aspect of our desires and die for society. This includes starting a new independent business.
- A way of life to be more independent: Timider is better. Timidness is a way to survive in a situation where there are no allies and safety. Being honest with our wants and being aware of the unknown allows us to take action.

Let me explain in detail below.
How to use timidity
In a survival situation, being timid is better than being bold. A survival situation means that there are many fatal risks and safe areas are limited. Avoiding death is more important than gaining wealth while taking risks in the face of a high death rate.
Living self-reliantly is such a survival situation. If we are distant from society, we cannot rely on others. Pursuing social power or evaluation is also worthless. Surviving is the supreme goal.

This is the natural law. The surviving life is strong. There is no justice or righteousness. For example, animals are basically timid, even carnivores. They become cautious when they encounter an unknown animal that looks powerful. That allows them to be alive.
Timidness doesn’t deny our contradictory wants. We become timid to protect our desires and existence from unknown or unfamiliar things. Then, we try to figure out if it is safe or harmful. It is just the state of prioritizing survival.
The purpose of boldness
On the other hand, boldness is a mental state for contributing to society. We suppress one aspect of our wants and act based on only one aspect of our values that follows social values.
For example, we defeat the fear of failure and start a new business. Soldiers suppress the fear of one’s death and charge the enemy.

Society values such people because they follow social values and can put their lives on the line.
In other words, boldness is a social skill.
This includes starting a new business. Although it looks like it is becoming independent, it is an activity of creating a new cog in society. This is why it doesn’t grant us freedom.
How we can proceed toward independence
This is why timidness suits independence. Being bold is counterproductive for self-reliance.
This tells us we can take action toward independence with the power of timidness.
Timidity is accompanied by a curiosity to know. It is a mixture of fear and interest. We cannot immediately conclude it is good or harmful. This makes us balance our desire to know and the limit of foresight.

We don’t assume the future or causality when we head toward independence because we step into unknowns. We cannot predict accurate results, including the immediate judgment of good or bad. The evaluations may change in the future. All we can do is prepare and decide based on our mood to survive in the unknown.
We can rely on our mood because it is the result of the subconsciousness that is considered with our experiences, intuition, knowledge, and wisdom.
Doubt that allows us to take action
In this state, we can doubt the meaning of staying in the current situation. We often realize our biased assumptions.
We may have assumed that staying in this society while suffering is the best. However, we don’t know enough about this world and the results of our lives. If we understand them, we suddenly feel fear about such an assumption.

That allows us to take action. We don’t assume, but we choose an efficient future that looks good with our honesty.
There is no boldness. Timidity for the unknown allows us to take action based on our mood and honesty. We can proceed while satisfying our contradictory wants. We don’t need recognition from others because we are satisfied with ourselves.
We can understand that this is the attitude of living self-reliantly.
This is why being timid is suitable for independence rather than being bold.
Boldness is a social skill. On the other hand, timidity for the unknown allows us to take action based on our mood and honesty.
This knowledge might allow us to step into the more independent life.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.