As I said in recent articles, I had to leave my current house until the end of next month. Now, I am preparing to move. Today, I will talk about my recent experience of letting go of the fear of losing our belongings.
How to let go of the fear of losing things
Sometimes, we want to let go of the fear. Too strong fear often prevents us from acting and causes stagnation.
Although we don’t like fear, it prevents us from losing something useful or valuable. Thanks to the emotion of fear, we can maintain abundance and comfort.
However, we know we cannot always keep things as they are. Our circumstances could change at any time. Changing is natural. We are sometimes forced to change our way of life. That causes our fear.

In other words, we have to face the fear. The good side of fear is that it is easy to come and easy to disappear. Confronting makes the fear disappear soon. The bad side is that we often lack the confidence to confront our fears. That makes us keep worrying.
Today, I will introduce my experience of letting go of the fear. I stopped using the washing machine and went to handwash. This story might give you the confidence to accept environmental changes.
Knowing the power of creativity that reduces fear
Although we fear unwanted changes, if we once accept that they are inevitable, it allows us to use creativity.
In other words, necessity gives us creativity. The more it impacts our lives, the easier we can create it because we can sacrifice more unnecessary things.

If we are empathic and creative, one of our talents is that we can always keep the most valuable things. We are good at managing our belongings based on priorities. We have such talent.
Knowing that ability would give us confidence and reduce our fear of losing something.
My experience of stopping using the washing machine
Let me give you my experience as an example. As I said above, I stopped using the washing machine and went to handwash. Getting rid of my belongings gave me confidence in my creativity.
Since I had to leave my current house, I began to prepare.
At first, I planned to send my many items to a new home. I wanted to make it cheaper and less wasteful. If it was cheaper to send than repurchase, I intended to send it.

However, I changed my mind and began to want to send things as few as possible. This is because I started to feel fun to reduce things. I am a minimalist who loves a simple life with fewer things. Minimalism is a lifestyle that is easy to withstand changes. As I disposed of things, I became more energetic and felt free. That made me change my mind.
I realized I had forgotten this refreshing feeling for a long time. I used to maintain valuable things as much as possible. However, I noticed prioritizing differs from maintaining valuable things. Sticking to trivial things could not matter.
My most fundamental things
I realized that not many things are needed to live comfortably. My most fundamental things would be a small bed, securing food and water, a quiet place, and physical and mental health. Mental health can be described as freedom. I can keep the rest simple.
The washing machine is one of the most large home appliances. Although it is useful, I always wondered whether I needed it.

After I began to dispose of my belongings, to move more lightly, I started to try washing my laundry by hand.
Solving partial problems and improving
It was not so hard because I live alone. It only took 10 to 15 minutes. The amount of daily laundry is not so large. If we have enough time, we could do it.
Of course, on the first challenge, I felt it was a little hard because I didn’t know an efficient way. In my case, the spin cycle of a washing machine was hard. Pushing water out without damaging the cloth was not easy.
However, I felt, “If I can solve the part, I can get rid of my washing machine.” In other words, my inner voice said that it was not so difficult. I began to think of an idea for a solution.

That led me to a solution. I pressed the laundry with a towel one by one and squeezed the towel. That worked well.
Now, I wash my laundry by hand. Although I might buy a laundry machine sometime after I move since it is useful, I am going to keep doing that for a while and stay light.
That was my experience of letting go of the fear of losing.
If we once accept that inevitable change, we can use our creativity. In other words, necessity gives us creativity. We have such talent.
This knowledge might give us confidence and reduce our fear of losing something.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.