One Way to Identify an Environment That Provides Us With a Fair Reward

Let’s talk about how to stop unrewarded activities. Today, I will introduce a way to identify an environment for getting a fair reward.

How to stop unrewarded activities

Sometimes, we want to stop unrewarded activities. We want rewards. At the very least, we want our surroundings to acknowledge that we are doing our best. We might feel such feelings towards our parents or bosses.

Our society doesn’t value us because we cannot contribute to others due to our personalities. Our unique personalities don’t suit those activities. That makes us incompetent in our environment.

They are never satisfied with our efforts, no matter how hard we try to please them. We have neither physical nor mental rewards. That makes us want to stop those unrewarded activities.

Hope that stagnates us

However, we sometimes cannot stop them due to our hope. We hope that if we put our whole heart and soul into them, they might be happy with our efforts and grateful for us one day.

Empathic people like us often have such dreams that never come true because we can feel others’ emotions. The more serious the other person is, the more we can feel his sincere emotion. It is natural for us. That makes us dream that our surroundings will understand our seriousness one day.

Although some people have less empathy, we sometimes believe everyone can feel others’ emotions. That makes us stick to the current unrewarded activities.

Today, I will introduce a way to identify an environment for getting a fair reward. This knowledge might allow us to change our way of life.

Why the social majority gets a fair reward

To judge whether the current environment is fair for us or not, try thinking of the following question: “In my society, am I in the majority or the minority?”

If we feel we are the majority of society, we tend to get the recognition and rewards we deserve. On the other hand, if we think we are in the minority, the majority in society tends not to appreciate us, no matter how much we win.

In other words, when we feel we are the minority, avoiding social victory would be better. Instead, think about which society allows us to become the majority while living naturally. That will tell us an environment with a fair reward.

For the benefit of the majority: the purpose of society

The reason is simple. That is because society is usually for the benefit of the majority members. Even in a society that helps weak people, such as charity, the organization is for the members first.

People with the same nature or purpose could get together for efficiency. That gives them the efficiency to manage their resources or share their wisdom.

Other social units have another personality and efficiency. Those units can work together. That allows for greater social cooperation. That would be the origin of the large-scale society.

The nature of society

The role of the minority would be to support rather than win. Being a social winner is an ideal state for the majority. On the other hand, supporters are not the ones who stand at the forefront of society because they never directly realize the original purpose of society.

People who achieve the purpose of society directly deserve to have social rewards. In other words, supporters are not so important. Society tends to want to reduce minorities for efficiency. The more socially dependent the organizations are, the more they want to outsource minor tasks to another effective society.

This tendency is inevitable as long as we try to depend on society. Supporters cannot be social winners.

If the ruler of the society evaluates only the majority, the supporters tend not to get paid no matter how hard they work.

That is why we sometimes face unrewarded work. Our efforts are pointless. The amount of effort doesn’t matter in that situation. It is just that society doesn’t suit our personalities.

Two approaches to stop rewardless activities

We can deal with that problem by following two approaches:

  • We find a society where we can be the majority with our personalities. Then we belong to it.
  • We head toward independence.

Going toward independence means we depend on ourselves. That will also free us from unrewarded efforts.


We can identify an environment with a fair reward by asking ourselves whether we are the social majority or not.

Migrating to a society where we can be the majority would give us a fair reward. If there is no such environment, we can head toward independence.

This knowledge might allow us to stop unrewarded activities.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.