It’s Also Great to Live Well With Restricted Things

Today, I’ll talk a little about my values. I think it’s also great to live well with restricted things. If we understand this style, we might be able to get out of a stressful place and live in a more peaceful place.

How to deal without enough resources

One day, someone tweeted on SNS, “I don’t have it, so I cannot do this. I wish I had it.”

You may have seen such messages many times. Probably we also often feel so. We want something to make our lives better. But we often don’t have enough resources to get it, such as money, time, social status, skills, human networking, a good situation, or a good environment.

And it often makes our thinking complex due to the many ways of exchanging. We are sometimes confused like this: “I need money to create my ideal slow life. So I need skills to make money. So I need to build a good social status. So I need a larger human network for it. So I need money… Oh, I forgot what I wanted in the first place.” This is not a joke.

So we sometimes stay in a stressful place to get particular resources. But we don’t know if we can make our desires come true even if we get these resources. So we lose energy and hope with confusion.

Surviving with restricted things is also great

But I think it’s also great to do well with restricted things to live in a comfortable place because it has another attractiveness: creativity.

Let’s assume a situation like this. We were caught up in some disaster or economic crisis. We entered a small shelter with some other people. And there are not enough resources to eat. We only have several fundamental ingredients, such as flour, salt, pepper, sugar, and vinegar. So people are crying because they think there are no edible things.

In such a situation, if we can cook a simple but tasty meal with them, that is amazing for everybody because we can do well with restricted resources. Perhaps the more restricted environments we are in, the more people are surprised at our creativity.

Restricted environments make our creativity shine

I think this is the attraction of creativity. We can make something with it even if we are in heavily restricted environments. That breaks through our current situation and creates a new future. Restricted environments make our creativity shine.

We usually have nothing perfect materials from the beginning. There may be a lot of things that we cannot get.

But we have some things that we don’t know how to use yet. It breaks through our current situation.

And we don’t need to be afraid of restricted environments or futures. The restricted environment is not a bad thing. We can do well if we focus on our creativity.


So I think it’s also great to live well with restricted things. That is the place where we show our creativity.

If we understand this style, we might be able to get out of a stressful place and live in a more peaceful place.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.