Category: Psychology

  • We Could Be Forgiven by Knowing That We Are Never Forgiven

    We Could Be Forgiven by Knowing That We Are Never Forgiven

    Let’s talk about the relationship between our mental systems and society. I think that we could be forgiven if we understood that we are never forgiven. The desire to be forgiven Last night, I recalled a light bad memory of my youth. Being young at that time, I wanted to do everything well. But at…

  • Why Following Our Subconscious Voices Usually Fulfills Us

    Why Following Our Subconscious Voices Usually Fulfills Us

    Overview Today is about the phycology of our subconsciousness. I think that if we follow our subconscious direction, we will be fulfilled in the long term. The voice of subconsciousness Sometimes, we want to hear our subconscious voices. Especially when we are lost in the direction of our lives. At such a time, we want…

  • How Do Emotional Suppression Make Our Repressions

    How Do Emotional Suppression Make Our Repressions

    Overview Today is about psychology of emotion. Today’s conclusion is that I recommend releasing our emotions when we come across a bad event. If so, we can change more easily. One day of my childhood I remember that that was a day from my childhood. That was dinner time for my family. My mother belonged…

  • Not Enough Negative Thoughts Cause Fears

    Not Enough Negative Thoughts Cause Fears

    Overview Today is about psychology. Today’s conclusion is that not enough negative thoughts cause our fears. How can we reduce our fears? Sometimes we have fears. Especially when we encountered unexpected troubles. I think fear is one of the most important emotions. Because we cannot survive without it. Fears save us from many risks. But…