Category: Super-long-term investment (in 2024)
How to Apply the Past Cycles to the Present: A Way to Predict the Future More Correctly
I like predicting the future and have talked about it recently. Today, let’s introduce how to apply the past cycles to the present. How to predict the future more correctly Sometimes, we want to predict the future correctly. Predicting future changes gives us opportunities, such as making money, increasing wealth, securing safety, or managing resources…
An Example of How We Fall Shortsighted: Understanding a Psychological Graph Trick
These days, I have talked about the long-term perspective for investing. Today, I will provide an example to help us avoid being shortsighted. How to make a stable life Sometimes, we want a life with long-term stability and peace, rather than pursuing excitement while ignoring the future, especially if we are empathic and creative. We…
Following the laws of nature: A spiritual aspect for investment
I have talked about investment these days. Today, I will explain it from a spiritual perspective. How to have sustainable investment profits Sometimes, we want to be wealthy as soon as possible, especially when stressed and impatient. The more we suffer, the more we tend to wish for drastic change. Although that is a natural…
Explaining Why Scientific Thinking Cannot Generate Sustainable Investment Profits
These years, I finally came to understand the essence of investment. Today, I will talk about why scientific thinking cannot generate sustainable investment profits. How to make continuous profits by investing Sometimes, we want to make money with our talents. Doing what only we can do gives us fulfillment. If we can make money through…
Cycle Perspective: How to Predict the Future
Recently, I have been interested in predicting the future. Although the future is vague in many areas, we can anticipate certain ones, such as crowd movements. Today, I will introduce how to predict the future by knowing how crowds react. How to find an opportunity Sometimes, we want an opportunity to change our lives, especially…
Making Money As a Part of Frugality: An Idea for Frugal Lovers to Succeed in Investing
Recently, I have been thinking about how to make money for the personality minority, such as people with empathy and creativity. Investment could be a way for them. Today, I will talk about an idea for successful investments. How to make money with our personalities Sometimes, we want an earning method that suits our nature.…