Author: Ayaémon
Why Business Is Fundamentally a Less Empathic Activity
Recently, I gradually understood how to play this game—which is called life—well, even with my unique individuality. The multiple perspectives I introduced in recent articles taught me how to deal with it. In the previous article (this article), I explained we don’t have to use spirituality in business, even if we sell spiritual products. Today,…
‘Business Is an Activity That Makes People Happy.’: Why I Gave up This Idea
Recently, I am reconstructing my lifestyle by changing my perspective on reality. Modifying my view angle allowed me to live more peacefully and joyfully. Today, I will talk about why I stopped applying spirituality to business. How to solve money problems Sometimes, we want to solve money problems to improve our lives. We want to…
Super Mario, Mario Kart…: Perspectives That Make Our Lives Easier
In recent articles, I explained several perspectives on solving our problems. Today, I will explain them in more detail with examples. How to make our lives easier Sometimes, we want to make our lives easier. Hard problems often bother us. For example, we might be in a state of desiring to be free but being…
My Current Perspective on How to Live In This Era
Since I recently have explained multiple perspectives, let me introduce how I see this era. Although I talked about this topic many times in the past articles, I will explain it from the perspective of duality. How to live in this era Sometimes, we want to know how to live in this era. We might…
Dualism, Trilism, Tetralism…: Perspectives to Solve Problems (Including Making Money)
Recently, I have talked about dualism. It provides us with a new perspective to solve problems. Today, I will introduce other perspectives to improve our lives more efficiently. How to have multiple perspectives Sometimes, we want to have multiple perspectives to solve our problems. They provide us with new ideas. An appropriate perspective helps us…
2 Changes That the Dualistic Problem-Solving Method Brought Me
Now I am in a mood of relaxation. I felt a little sick after concluding the dualistic problem-solving method two days ago. Perhaps this is a backlash from concentrating too much on it. Today, I will talk lightly about the benefits of that method. How to live in peace with enjoyment Sometimes, we want to…