Following the laws of nature: A spiritual aspect for investment

I have talked about investment these days. Today, I will explain it from a spiritual perspective.

How to have sustainable investment profits

Sometimes, we want to be wealthy as soon as possible, especially when stressed and impatient. The more we suffer, the more we tend to wish for drastic change.

Although that is a natural reaction, it often makes us speculative or gamble.

If we want profits in investment, they could be fatal because investing requires waiting. Pursuing profits too much in the short term or perfect profits causes impatience and a loss.

In other words, investment requires not only logical skills but also a spiritual power. We have to wait in an uncertain future. That often drives us to find a clear answer, such as using AI, ideal indicators, or a systematic trading method.

However, those clear answers often betray us and cause losses because we cannot comprehend investment by a scientific approach alone. The economy is based on human activities, and science and spirituality affect human activities.

That is why we need to understand the spiritual aspect of investing. It often teaches us the imperfections of scientific logic in investment.

Today, I will introduce the spiritual aspect of investment. This knowledge might allow us to find the logical breakdown that many people misunderstand and have sustainable investment profits.

Two contradictory perspectives to predict the future

There are two perspectives to predict the future: scientific and spiritual thinking.

  • Scientific thinking is the one that we judge based on data with numbers.
  • Spiritual thinking is the one that we judge based on the laws of nature.

Both are incompatible, but both create our lives.

For example, we often use the words ‘love’ and ‘like,’ but it is not scientific. We don’t feel love based on data. We can feel the existence of love or preferences inside us without scientific evidence. We don’t scientifically decide the meaning or purpose of life. Spirituality determines our lives largely.

However, we often use many technologies, such as smartphones, the Internet, weather forecasts, microwaves, cars, or industrial products. They are based on science.

Investment has both sides because it is about predicting the future based on human activities. This means prices in the financial market can move rationally and irrationally. We have to learn the irrational aspect from a scientific perspective.

The spiritual thinking for investment

Spiritual thinking tells us the logical breakdown of scientific logic.

Judging by the laws of nature is an example. There could be several laws, as follows:

  • Everything alive will die someday.
  • A life is born, activated, peaks, declines, and dies.

That allows us to discern the breakdown of logic in many methods of investment.

For example, in the financial market, many people would say, “If you hold on to the S&P500, you will make a profit in the long term.” It is not just the S&P 500. Historically, it has been repeated many times with the economic bubble, such as tulip bulbs, trade stocks, real estate, tech companies, or cryptocurrencies.

There are so many methods that insist, “All you have to do is this simple task to make a profit!” They often show scientific evidence and logic. These data prove the results.

The perspective of the laws of nature

However, the laws of nature tell us why those logics are inappropriate in reality because everything will decline someday.

If we think about it calmly, decline and death are sure things. Nothing will continue to grow forever. Although I don’t know the whole mechanism of the universe, as far as all human activities, including stocks and nations, maybe no one will continue to grow forever.

From a historical perspective, we will soon find such logical breakdowns. The logic that ‘it has grown so far, that is why it will continue to grow’ is contrary to the laws of nature. That is too short-term sight.

Perhaps when someone with less empathy becomes the most arrogant, that would be the peak of his growth. History shows us that.

Even if the S&P500 has made profits for 100 years and Bitcoin has grown over 10 years, it doesn’t mean they will continue to be effective. Depending on such a logic will cause a fatal loss someday. That is not preparation for the future. That is a gamble or a religion disguised as a science.

If we think about it calmly, its logical breakdown is clear. However, many people believe such a broken logic in the financial market. Although they think scientifically, their thinking is not realistic.

Accepting uncertainty

When thinking about the future, we have to be aware of uncertainty. It means that our future is neither hopeful nor desperate. We don’t know what causes better results but also which is better or worse. One result could be negative from a spiritual perspective, but it could be worthy from a scientific perspective.

That is why we have to create our own philosophy. We cannot depend on AI or systematic trading methods because they are only one aspect of reality.

The spiritual perspective tells us the fatality of those methods.

Philosophy is something to cultivate, not to get from someone else.

Of course, we will make some losses in the early stages of creating our investment philosophy. However, as we develop our philosophy, we will be able to make profits in investment, even little by little.

Only people with empathy and creativity can do it efficiently.


That is the spiritual aspect of investment.

It allows us to discern a clear logical breakdown that is contrary to the laws of nature.

This knowledge might allow us to have sustainable investment profits.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.