Recently, I have been considering how to live more independently. Today, I will talk about it from the perspective of education and growth.
What lifestyle will it be if we live independently?
Sometimes, we want to know how to be more independent and distant from society. Social life, such as a disgusting job, caring for others’ emotions, or a lack of freedom, often exhausts us.
In my opinion, people who are suited for independence have their own characteristics. They would rather live in peace than in strife and victory. I have such a nature. Perhaps you are the same if you like this blog. We want to live our lives doing what we can quietly and passionately, even if we don’t get the attention and praise of many people.
That is why we want to know how to be more independent.

However, we sometimes don’t know it enough.
One factor is our confusion between how to live in society efficiently and how to live self-reliantly. Although they are opposite, we sometimes try to be independent in the way of depending on society. This prevents us from realizing our wishes.
In such a case, knowing a lifestyle of living independently might help us. One of the styles that I recently found is emphasizing growth over education. Today, I will explain the difference.
Education vs. Growth
If we want independence, emphasizing growth over education would work. Although they look similar, they are different, as follows:
- Education is an efficiency to live in society. This is a collection of knowledge for cooperating with people, pleasing others, and giving value to society. It allows us to gain richness in society. This often comes with qualifications and grades. Education is socially comparable. We can learn this in schools or from others, even without experience.
- Growth is the power to live independently. This is a process of acquiring knowledge and wisdom based on our nature. It expands our potential and allows us to use our resources, including our individualities or creativity, more efficiently. Growth is something that accumulates only within us. It is incomparable socially. We can acquire this only by experience or using our senses.

The difference is whether it is based on society or ourselves.
Letting go of education to become independent
This tells us we have to let go of education at least once to become independent.
Imagine a state where we throw away all the rules we hold inside us. Although those rules benefit us, they are constraints. We will be socially ignorant but don’t have confusion.
These rules are education. In other words, education is a set of regulations within us that we can abandon or stop.

We can verify each of them and select them one by one.
On the other hand, we cannot let go of growth. We don’t have to throw them away because it is based on our natures. It is potential, not regulations.
Inappropriate education that causes suffering
In other words, some rules of education don’t suit our way of life. That causes our suffering in life.
If we imagine a state where we let go of all the rules inside us, we will feel freedom. For example, try imagining getting rid of all the rules of behavior with ‘should.’ We can see this world without prejudice.

This is the state we can grow. We don’t have misunderstandings or confusion about this world because we know nothing. Although we have to rebuild our common sense, we can grow.
Rebuilding our education
We can rebuild our education through being in this state.
In this state, we don’t try to learn something that seems profitable or useful. We focus on something curious or what we want to do for ourselves. In other words, we decide our activities based on our current moods.
If the rules inside us say, “I should do like this,” we can find that it is one of the educational restrictions that we have to doubt. Although you will notice that some rules are necessary, some are unnecessary.

Then, try imagining if we are free from the restriction. We will be interested in or curious about something different. We don’t compare others or society because we don’t even know what society is. In addition, we don’t compare ourselves to surroundings when we move with our mood.
This process allows us to rebuild our education. We can choose what we need based on our way of life. Sometimes, we prepare, but sometimes we wait. We will not rush to do anything.
We don’t bias one side of our wants. That is the education that suits us and allows us to grow steadily.
That is why emphasizing growth over education could help us.
We can rebuild our education based on our way of life.
This knowledge might help you to live more independently.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.