I have long considered what my talent is. Today, I will introduce one ability for empathic and creative people like me. It is a management skill, especially suited for managing material resources.
What are our talents?
Sometimes, we want to know our talents, especially if we have individuality. We cannot live the same way as our surroundings. We have to find out how to make money and live by ourselves.
If we have empathy and creativity, finding our talents could be hard because we have to satisfy both. Empathy urges us to fulfill our emotions while we want to use our creativity. Their activities interfere with and limit each other. That bothers us.
In other words, we have to reconcile conflicting desires. We cannot focus on a simple task or one aspect of things. That prevents us from continuing to work major jobs, such as specialists or employees.

That is why we want to know our talents and how to live well.
However, we often don’t know what kind of jobs we are suited for. That makes us struggle to earn money or live comfortably without stress.
Today, I will introduce one talent of empathic and creative people: management ability. We are good at managing non-human material resources. This knowledge might show us opportunities to use our natures and how to live well.
The management ability of empathic and creative people
If we are empathic and creative, managing non-human material resources could be a clue to knowing our talents.
Management is an ability to adapt to environmental fluctuations. The following contrast would make it easier to understand:
- Employees repeat the same task. They work according to manuals or knowledge they have learned. The more knowledge they have, the more they tend to make money. That is why employees pursue more qualifications or one specific skill. However, they cannot adapt to unexpected environmental changes.
- Managers deal with unexpected environmental changes with wisdom. They predict the future, prepare for it, and handle it. Even if unanticipated, they try to find the most efficient solution and prevent similar mistakes. They are sensitive to future changes and good at thinking about creative solutions.

This is why managers usually earn more than workers. Workers use only knowledge. On the other hand, managers utilize wisdom. Wisdom is more precious than knowledge. That makes managers valuable.
Focusing on non-human material resources
When we manage things, focusing on non-human material resources would suit us.
Being usual managers in an organization would be hard for us because we want to be independent. We want to be distant from social stress, such as being managed or managing other people. Too many human relationships often stress us.

That is why focusing on non-human material resources would suit us. Non-human material resources could be as follows:
- Materials
- Concepts
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Ways of thinking
Investing and dealing with the unexpected
Management consists of two parts: investing and dealing with the unexpected.
Investment is the activity of predicting the future, preparing, and dealing with it. In other words, try to treat all our belongings as investments. That would show us how to increase our wealth efficiently.
To make it easier to imagine, imagine we are in a market. It could be a material market, a concept market, or a skill market. We prepare things according to our anticipation of the future. Then, when the time comes, we sell them.

To be prepared for the unexpected would also be a part of management. We can imagine various risks. Although it exhausts us in a stable society that those risks seldom happen, living in a risky place or era allows us to show our talents.
Perhaps that is why empathic and creative people tend to be active during a turbulent era.
Managing our resources as a first step
Even in the stable period, being aware of that would tell us opportunities. Managing non-human material resources while being away from social stress could be a way of living.
In the first place, try focusing on managing the non-human resources we have. We try to find what we have, consider its importance, exchange less valuable things with valuable ones without losing comfort, discern price and value, and dispose of unnecessary things. A possession that we cannot remember is junk. Living comfortably with fewer resources would also help.

We can start, even if with fewer things. If we feel limitations, try to manage more long-term or creatively. That will tell us how to make wealth by managing our resources.
On the other hand, pursuing more qualifications or one specific skill could confuse our values or directions.
Management ability could be one ability of empathic and creative people.
Management is an ability to adapt to environmental fluctuations. We are good at managing non-human material resources.
This knowledge might show us opportunities to use our natures and how to live well.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.