The Overview of the ‘Prepare and Wait’ Lifestyle: A Way of Life to Maximize Our Talents

Recently, I have talked about my new lifestyle as a ‘prepare and wait’ concept. It frees us from struggling with superficial problems, gives us hope, and allows us to use our talents. Today, I will explain it with the whole picture.

How to use our talents to the fullest

Sometimes, we want to use our talents to the fullest. Using them makes us happy because we can live as we are. On the other hand, if we suppress ourselves, we will lose the energy to live. It literally means killing ourselves.

The more individuality we have, the more we tend to be so. Someone with individuality is different from his surroundings. It indicates he has another role in society. If all life were the same, it would soon become extinct with a slight environmental change. That is why we have individuality. It is a system of life.

Concerning the future and having creativity are typical examples of individuality. We might be always worried about the future or find it hard to be a part of society, it tells us we have rare individuality. In other words, we have some unique talents.

On the other hand, many people can live only now. They cannot consider the future. In addition, many can live as a part of a social system. It means they fear independence.

All positive things have a negative aspect depending on our perspective—and vice versa. We have some talents if we have negative aspects.

The mental state of not being able to use our ability

However, we often don’t know how to use our talents. If we don’t know it, we try to live the same way as our surroundings and will be exhausted. Although talents benefit us if we use them properly, they could harm us if we ignore or misuse them. For example, anxiety will crush us, and we will feel like we have no place in society.

That is why we want to use our talents to the fullest.

A lifestyle of preparing and waiting could be a suitable way for empathic and creative people. Today, I will explain it with the whole picture. This might allow us to live more naturally.

The lifestyle of preparing and waiting

The lifestyle of preparing and waiting is as follows:

  • We head toward independence.
  • We first prepare for future change rather than trying to solve the current problems.
  • We focus on what to prepare and what preparation to get rid of.
  • We solve small, unpredicted troubles with creativity.
  • We treat big, unpredicted problems as feedback and learn from them to modify the direction.
  • If there is nothing more to prepare, we wait.
  • We always leave some room for unexpected failure.

Judging things from a higher perspective

They mean we judge things from a higher perspective than others. Many people react and deal with the current problems. They are reactive to the current troubles. This lifestyle makes them reluctant to change and angry at people or events that disrupt their schedule.

On the other hand, we are proactive in solving problems rather than reactive. We focus on the future. We try to prevent big trouble by preparing in advance while continuing to change ourselves.

There are not so many kinds of big problems in life. In other words, they are easy to predict. Learning or looking at others’ lives tells us what big mistakes could happen. Reading biographies and autobiographies will help us with that.

Changing while keeping mental calmness

This lifestyle makes it easier for us to change while keeping a peaceful mind. We are freed from the anxiety of stagnation because we can understand that changes always happen. We can keep learning from our mistakes by treating unexpected events as feedback. We don’t get angry with others. It is about our awareness and the ability to anticipate.

In addition, we can accept small losses for the big profit. We adjust preparations based on our foresight. We prepare new things. However, if we realize that the prospect seems wrong, we dispose of them, even if we have never used them. In the same way, if something has been useful but cannot be used in the future, we discard it, no matter how much we used it in the past.

That is the lifestyle of judging things from a higher perspective. We can use our ability to worry about the future.

Of course, we always have unexpected small difficulties. We solve them with our creativity on the spot.

That allows us to distribute our resources efficiently. Money would be the most valuable resource if we are not good at socializing. In such a case, we can use money for long-term preparation. On the other hand, we solve the small problem with what we have at hand. Such an allocation would be effective.

We don’t lament the lack of money because we know we already use it most effectively. That allows us to focus on our creativity.

Humility that allows us to change

Such a lifestyle would suit our personality if we tend to worry about the future and be creative. We don’t have to do repetitive tasks like a machine because we focus on changes. We can do various things in response to a changing future. We can turn our worries about the future into talents. At the same time, we can be creative.

This lifestyle gives us humility. Humble people can change their environment easily.

There are two attitudes toward society: arrogance and humility. Arrogance gives people the power to change others. This is the way for the less empathic and less creative people. Humility allows us to accept the current environment and migrate to another one. This is for the empathic and creative people.

Being humble would be better if we are not good at sociality and want to go to a new world. This allows us to give up the unrewarding environment and migrate to another society.


That is the lifestyle of preparing and waiting.

This lifestyle might make it easier for us to change and keep a peaceful mind.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.