Applying Making From Scratch to Our Lives: My Approach to Creating a Seclusive Life With Fewer Resources

Now I am looking for a house to live in because I have to leave the current one, as I mentioned in the previous article (this article). Today, I will introduce a way of thinking to realize a seclusive life even with less money.

How to have a more peaceful life

Sometimes, we want a more peaceful life away from social stresses. Social life could exhaust us if we are not good at interacting with many strangers.

If we have a minor personality, we tend to be so. A typical example is empathy and creativity. Empathy makes us too concerned about others’ emotions. Creativity drives us to try to find every solution. That is why interacting with many people exhausts us. In addition, that often makes us forget our individuality and prevents us from using our talents.

Perhaps the most comfortable life is the state in which we can live based on our personalities. That allows us to do many things naturally. In such a state, we can use our individuality the most. That would be the most healthy and energetic state for us.

Sometimes, living quietly in the countryside could be our natural way of life. If we feel living on the urban side is unnatural and living in the countryside is natural, a more secluded and independent lifestyle could suit us.

How to deal with a lack of resources

However, we sometimes find it hard to realize due to a lack of resources. A lack of money is a typical example.

I am now in such a situation. Although I have to leave my current house until next June, I don’t have enough money to easily realize my ideal seclusive life. In other words, I have to be creative.

Today, I will talk about how to apply the concept of making from scratch to our lives. This way of thinking might allow us to create our ideal lives easier, even with less money.

Creating from the big picture

I like the concept of making it from scratch. It is the basis of frugality. We can apply it to our lives.

Making from scratch and creating from the big picture are the same. In other words, we can ignore the details at first.

When we want something in our lives, there could be three approaches, as follows:

  • Buy finished products. This is the most costly but easiest method. We care about the surface design rather than the big picture or the foundational quality. We don’t need creativity.
  • Buy only the frame and foundational parts, and finish the rest ourselves. This is a balanced way. Although it requires additional creation, we can affordably create the surface design as we like.
  • Buy only the most basic foundations and build the rest ourselves. This is the most affordable but requires creativity. The final quality depends on how much we want it. We take care of the big picture first and leave details for later.

This concept could allow us to create our lives more easily.

In my case: finding the next house

In my case, I needed to search for the next house. I have found I can use the following three approaches:

  • Buying a new house with perfect equipment. This is the most expensive but doesn’t need creativity.
  • Buying an old house with a solid frame and foundation. Then, I renovate the surfaces myself. This is a balanced way.
  • Buying or renting only the land. Then, I build a tiny house myself. This is the most affordable but requires high creativity.

Although I don’t intend to build a tiny house at all, this range of options gave me not only opportunities but also relief. It told me that the superficial damage to the house doesn’t matter. I can fix them later. Modifying the surface is easy if we have a solid frame.

However, the reverse is difficult. After we set furniture or wallpapers, it is hard to modify the frame. The frame and foundation limit the surface.

The most basic factor would be whether the place is suitable for seclusion. If the environment is quiet, soundproofing the house doesn’t matter. On the other hand, adding soundproofing in a noisy place is inefficient.

That is why we create from the big picture. If we use our creativity, we start with a big framework.

No need to imagine details

This frees us from imagining details. Although many spiritual books might tell us, “Imagine as much detail as possible to realize your dream,” it will not work for empathic and creative people like us because we can adapt to change. We don’t know what the future holds. Our current imagination is often far from perfect.

That is why I often say that direction is essential. Direction is not a goal. We don’t know what is waiting for us in the future.

However, as long as we head in the right direction, we can live more naturally, even if it is little by little.

In other words, the telling ‘imagine as much detail as possible’ is for the less creative people who can live as their surroundings. They don’t have individuality except empathy. That is why they can imagine the goal.

In other words, showing individuality is the same as solving puzzles through a journey. We don’t know the answer. We go in the direction of which our hearts indicate. That gives us a more comfortable continent to live in.

Prioritizing the foundation

In my case, I realized that I don’t have to stick to the perfect house. I can renovate it as long as it has a solid environment for seclusion.

After I searched for a house from that perspective, I found several treasures that many people ignore. They were superficially damaged but solid. In addition, if I can renovate them properly, I might be able to sell them more expensively.

Our lives are the same. If we want independence, we can prioritize the foundation. The direction is the foundation. The imagination is superficial. We can adapt the details afterward.

Try separating the future from our imagination. We don’t have to imagine so much detail to change our lives.

That would allow us to change our lives, even with fewer resources.


That is a way to apply making from scratch to our lives.

Making from scratch and creating from the big picture are the same. We can ignore the details at first if we head toward independence.

This way of thinking might allow us to create our ideal lives easier.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.