The Direction of “My Soul Says So” Makes Losses in the Short Term but Profits in the Long Term

Today, I’ll talk about how to find our direction in life. Try saying, “My soul says so,” with our desires. That might give us a satisfying choice, regardless of the result.

How to decide on choices

Sometimes, we worry about our choices. We usually want a better, more profitable one.

But we often get bothered due to the many pros and cons. In addition, others’ values often confuse us. So sometimes, we keep worrying about choices.

In such a situation, try saying, “My soul says so,” with each desire. If we feel energetic by that, it could be the direction that fulfills us.

The words “My soul says so” tell us the way

This logic is simple. If we say, “My soul says so” or “My inner voice says to do so,” we can let go of superficial desires. And we can eliminate the short-term profits and focus on long-term profits.

If we feel high energy from that, the direction will provide us with long-term profits. Although it often requires some losses in the short term, we can accept them thanks to our energy.

In other words, the energy of following our wishes is also one of the valuable things. And “the state of living with high energy” could be more valuable than “getting the rewards of short-term profit.”

Noticing the more crucial choices

Of course, we could fail even if we followed that direction. But we can accept the result without regrets. We will have the satisfaction of choosing it.

Sometimes, we notice that we have a lot of anxiety and impatience about both choices instead of feeling energy. That means these options are both just for profit in the short term.

But if we understand that, we can relax and let go of our obsession with the choice. We will notice the existence of a more crucial, large-impact choice in our lives. We can concentrate on it.


So, if we want to know which way to follow, try saying, “My soul says so” or “My inner voice says to do so,” with our desires. That might give us a satisfying choice, regardless of the result.

If we understand this mental logic, we might be able to improve our lives in the long term.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.