Sometimes Loss-Cutting Accelerates Our Changes

In today’s article, I’ll talk about changing our lives. I think that sometimes loss-cutting accelerates our changes.

The factor that prevents our changes

Sometimes we want to change our lives. There might be a lot of pain or desires in our lives. We usually want to get away from work or people that we don’t like. And we want to be with work or people that we love.

But there is a problem that prevents our changes. That is the thought of “I don’t want to make losses.” We usually want to avoid making losses and make only profits. It is essential when we are going well. But when we want to change something, I think it frequently prevents our changes.

At such a time, thinking that “loss-cutting accelerates our changes” might be one way. This thought might give us faster changes.

Discarding my seasoning

To explain that, let me talk about my recent experience. Several days ago, I discarded a lot of my seasoning. I mostly threw away store-bought seasonings made from fermentation, such as soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wines, and some vinegar. In addition, I also threw away all of the broth, such as cubed consommé or powdered chicken stock.

Because I no longer need them. Since I began to make fermented foods, I have never used them. To be honest, after I experienced the deliciousness of homemade fermented foods, I never wanted to use commercial broth again. Many people would understand the clear difference in taste if we experienced this. In addition, I can make my original sauce from fermented foods.

But I was not able to discard them soon. Because I didn’t want to waste them. I paid money to get these seasonings. And I hesitated to throw away what we could still eat. In other words, I didn’t want to make a loss. So I kept worrying about how to use them without using them.

Making a simple solution

At such a time, I changed my mind. The trigger was my sickness. Several days ago, I got a little sick. At that time, I felt tired of worrying about how to use them.

I like simplicity. Complex things make me tired. And I realized that I had thought too complexly. The simplest solution is to discard them by accepting some losses. It was complicated worrying about how to use what we no longer use.

I noticed that I just feared making a loss. If I loved them and no longer used them, I would be able to part with them with love. My fear of making a loss prevented me from discarding unnecessary things.

This realization made me decide. I accepted to get a loss to change my life. They were a part of my old lifestyle. So I discarded them with gratitude.

The next morning, my sickness completely went away. And I noticed that I had started a new life with a fresh mind. In other words, loss-cutting accelerated my change.


So I think that sometimes loss-cutting accelerates our changes.

The fear of loss frequently prevents us from changing. But if we understand this logic, we might be able to make changes easier.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you at the next one.