I Updated the Story Tarot, and I Will Talk About a Creation Style
Several days ago, I updated my product, the story tarot. So today, I will talk about it. Updated the story tarot First, an announcement. As I mentioned above, I updated the story tarot. The latest version is 1.1. The old version is here. I wanted to make it easier to find new ideas. And I…
My Favorite Way to Feel the Wideness of This World Without Traveling Around the World
I like to feel how big this world is. Perhaps this is because that gives me a more free life. We want freedom because it allows us to try a new world. In addition, if we know more about the various values in this world, we can find a better place to show our talents.…
Perhaps This Is the Reason We Can Trust Our First Impressions, but Sometimes They Betray Us
In the previous article (this article), I mentioned the face types based on our personalities. And I want to add a little more. It is about why we can use our first impressions. Can we trust their appearances? As I mentioned in the previous article, we sometimes have a first impression when we meet someone.…
The Face Types Based on Personalities
Let’s talk about something a little different. Today, I will introduce the face types based on characteristics. It could be wrong because I am still developing this theory. But I think this might be useful for something. Why can we judge based on our first impression? When I meet a person, I sometimes feel, “Perhaps…
The Two Types of Patience: Healthy Patience and Unhealthy Patience
I am developing my theory in several areas. One of them is about the source of our mental energy. Although I had talked about it a lot until last week, I will add more explanation. I think there are two types of patience: healthy and unhealthy. So today, I will talk about it. How to…
If You Want to Let Go of Others’ Values, Try My New Thinking Tool: The Time Scale Mapping
Since I released my newest product, the story tarot, I have been interested in thinking tools. Thinking tools are tools that allow us to organize our thoughts more efficiently. And we can enjoy it like a thinking game if it works well. So, I made a new, simple thinking tool to let go of others’…