The Patience That Comes From Giving Up Early: How to Create Individual Value

Let’s talk about our individualities. Today, I will explain how to show them effectively.

How to be more patient

Sometimes, we want to create something valuable. Contributing to others will give us abundance and fulfillment, such as money, gratitude from others, enthusiastic fans, satisfaction for ourselves, and happiness. Doing that in our ways fulfills us without exhausting us.

However, we sometimes cannot do so for various reasons.

The personality trait of getting bored soon would be one factor. If we are empathic and creative, we could have such a nature. We cannot repeat the same thing. Our curiosity may often change. Our minds may drive us to try another opportunity.

I have such a personality. After I had done the same thing for a while, I could not do it anymore due to boredom. The cycle was usually in units of 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years.

The envy toward the people with patience

On the other hand, people who are active in society usually have one specialty. They concentrate on one job in life, such as carpenter, engineer, lawyer, accountant, etc.

That makes us want to have the patience to keep doing one thing. However, our personalities don’t allow us to do that.

Today, I will introduce another approach to creating values: the patience that comes from giving up early. This way of thinking might provide us with a comfortable lifestyle.

Two kinds of value creation

There are two kinds of value creation, as follows:

(Our products include our lives or lifestyles.)

  • Creating general products: We combine many general elements into a product. There is a recipe for success. For example, we have to sell our products, no matter how we don’t like selling. In a typical business, sales are mandatory. We need to be patient with it. Such effective integration contributes to others. The social majority works with this approach.
  • Creating specialized products: We add as few unnecessary things as possible and purify them into a single function. For example, we stop interacting with many people and concentrate on facing a few people we like. We need to determine what is unneeded and what to give up. That effectiveness in a small area contributes to others. This approach is for the minority.

If we are empathic and creative, we can choose the latter. That might suit us. Let’s see why below.

Why giving up early creates value

There is another kind of patience that comes from giving up early. This style allows us to create specialized products or lives.

Imagine this lifestyle: we try to eliminate unnecessary things as much as possible. We don’t want them because they can be burdens in our lives. We like freedom. We don’t require unnecessary tasks or worries. Extra things cost to maintain, distract us, and make us worried.

Some readers of this blog may like minimalism. I am one of them. That is why I prefer to live with as few things as possible. I don’t need unnecessary things. A lightweight life allows us to change our futures more easily.

A style to eliminate the unnecessary

In this lifestyle, we need to give up the unnecessary as much as possible. That allows us to focus on what we need.

In other words, we have to identify what we need in our lives to create happiness. We have different personalities than those around us. We need to focus on the basics rather than the advanced. That prevents exhaustion.

Giving up something doesn’t mean quitting everything. Even if we give up something, we often love some part of it and want to continue to do it. That is the core value we want to concentrate on.

Giving up unnecessary things as much as possible tells us the area we need to fill. That allows us to create solid foundations for our lives.

Those styles will usually be unique due to our individuality. We will notice that we have unconsciously created something unique.

The patience for change

Patience for change is also a talent. If we want to show that talent, it requires determination to change. We have to keep changing. Change usually causes stress.

If we are empathic and creative, we can handle and prepare for it more than any other personality.

Continuing something patiently is not the only way to create contributions. Giving up as much as possible would provide us with opportunities to change.

That awareness would give us a place to contribute. Giving up early also gives us value.


There is another approach to creating values. It is the patience that comes from giving up early.

This lifestyle might provide us with a comfortable creation style.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.