Category: Minimalism in thinking (in 2025)
The 1-2-3 Principle: A Way to Get a Reasonable Answer for the Abstract Matter With No Certain Answer
I created a new thinking tool based on recent articles. I named it the 1-2-3 principle. This is a way to get a reasonable answer for the abstract matter with no certain answer. Today, I will introduce it. How to have an answer to an abstract matter Sometimes, we want to have an answer to…
Judgment Over Knowledge: How to Use Logical Sense Effectively
I am now focusing on creating the concept of minimalism in thinking. It is a style to improve lives for logical people. It has cleared up my cluttered mind. Today, I will introduce another perspective to understand how we can use our logical talent. How to solve our problems more easily Sometimes, we want to…
Symbols of Minimalism in Thinking: How to Visualize Your Mental State
Recently, I have discussed a new concept I call minimalism in thinking. Today, I will introduce symbols that visualize our mental states. How to understand our mental state more easily Sometimes, we want to understand our mental state easier, especially when we cannot stop an inner conflict. An example is a double bind. Imagine the…
A Breakthrough From a Deadlock: How to Solve a Double Bind by Minimalism in Thinking
Now I am enjoying creating the logic of the new concept: minimalism in thinking. It is the mental version of minimalism. Today, I will talk about how to get another kind of breakthrough. How to break through the deadlock Sometimes, we want to break through the current hard situation. Despite many problems that exhaust us,…
Logically Accepting to Live By Mood: How to Logically Deal With Emotional Fluctuations
Recently, I have introduced a new concept: minimalism in thinking. In this approach, we emphasize logic and ways of life rather than ways of thinking. To understand it more deeply, I will introduce how to logically deal with our moods today. How to make our lives simpler and easier Sometimes, we want to make our…
How to Reduce Confusing Thinking Methods and Think Simply and Logically
In the previous article (this article), I introduced a new concept: minimalism in thinking. To make our lives simpler and easier, reducing unnecessary ways of thinking would work. Today, I will introduce how to make it happen. How to improve our lives Sometimes, we want to think more simply and logically to improve our lives.…