Author: Ayaémon
Introducing the Mental State When We Follow Our Direction in Life Without an Inferiority Complex
In the previous article (this article), I talked about duality in our minds. Today, I will explain the difference in our mental state in more detail. How to begin something without mental conflict Sometimes, we want to take on new challenges without mental conflict. Although we want to begin something to improve our lives, another…
How to Predict Major Problems in Life: Learning From Others’ Regrets
Recently, I explained the lifestyle of preparing and waiting. I added the tag #prepare and wait. If you want to refer to the topic, please use that link. In the previous article (this article), I explained that there are not so many kinds of big problems in life. Today, I will introduce how to predict…
The Overview of the ‘Prepare and Wait’ Lifestyle: A Way of Life to Maximize Our Talents
Recently, I have talked about my new lifestyle as a ‘prepare and wait’ concept. It frees us from struggling with superficial problems, gives us hope, and allows us to use our talents. Today, I will explain it with the whole picture. How to use our talents to the fullest Sometimes, we want to use our…
Additional Explanation of Why We Don’t Have to Solve Our Current Problems
In an earlier post, I mentioned the lifestyle of preparing and waiting (this article). I explained that we could solve our current troubles by preparing for future change. Today, I will add another example to make it easier to understand. How to break through our current situation Sometimes, we want to break through our current…
Considering Ambiguous Things: A Talent for Empathic and Creative People
I have long been trying to figure out how to use our personalities productively. Today, I will introduce one new concept for it. Considering the ambiguous things might give us opportunities. How to use our unique talents Sometimes, we want to use our unique talents to contribute to others. If we have strange natures, we…
Prepare and Wait Rather Than Breaking Through the Current Troubles: My New Approach to Getting Abundant
Recently, I began to try a new way of life. It is a lifestyle we prepare and wait instead of trying to break through the current troubles. I came to understand the whole mechanism little by little. Today, I will talk about it. How to be abundant while solving our problems Sometimes, we want to…