Super-Long-Term Global Perspective: A Calming Thinking Style for Empathic and Creative People

I like thinking about how to live well for the personality minority, such as empathic and creative people. I am one of them, so I am trying to find it. Today, I will talk about how to get mental calmness.

How to have a peace of mind to realize our lives

Sometimes, we want a peaceful mind to realize our way of life.

We often cannot live the same way as our surroundings if we have a unique personality. A typical example is empathy and creativity. High empathy makes us feel the negative emotions of others we don’t want. Feeling them too much disturbs our minds. Creativity makes us feel like doing everything freely. That prevents us from working in an organization.

That is why we want to live independently, such as living in the quiet countryside. Although we are vulnerable to social stress, we are better at surviving in an independent environment.

If we live independently, empathy and creativity turn from hindrance to talent. Our empathy allows us to prepare for the future. Our creativity gives us new solutions even with fewer resources. In other words, an independent life suits us.

However, we sometimes doubt that such a way of life is acceptable. Many people work every day for society. A seclusive life in the countryside looks like we are doing something evil. That often prevents our progression toward independence.

Today, I will introduce the differences in thinking based on our personalities. We can see things from a super-long-term, global perspective. That will give us peace of mind to move forward toward our way of life.

The four types of personalities

To explain it, I will introduce the four types of personalities that I often use in this blog, as shown in the following image:

We classify our personalities by two axes: empathy and creativity.

An explanation of each personality

Each personality has the following tendencies:

  • Extroverts tend to judge in the short term and think in a narrow society. That is their mentally stable and active state. That makes them compete with others and live only now. They are the majority.
  • Traditional empaths tend to prepare for the long term but think in a narrow society. That is their mentally stable and active state. That makes them focus on peace over strife and live for a better future.
  • Innovative empaths tend to prepare for the super-long term and think globally. That is their mentally stable and active state. That makes them focus on creating new lifestyles that matter in the long term while avoiding small, short-term social struggles. They are the minority.
  • Innovators tend to judge in the short term but think globally. That is their mentally stable and active state. That makes them compete with others to improve society.

Assume we are innovative empaths in this article. Let me explain more below.

Two elements that make a difference: empathy and creativity

We have different perspectives based on our personalities. One element that makes a difference is empathy.

Empathy determines how much we care about the future. If we have high empathy, the longer term we think, the more we will be mentally stable and active.

Perhaps this is because they want to help weak people without bothering others. To do that, we have to secure things when they are inexpensive because dominating expensive items troubles others who need them. That allows us to avoid competing with others. Although they contribute less in a stable period, they contribute more to society in a turbulent era.

On the other hand, less empathic people can live without worrying about the future. In addition, they cannot feel others’ emotions, so they can defeat others and take away others’ resources, such as money, social status, positions, or honors. Although they cause conflicts in a socially turbulent era, they contribute to society in a stable period with rich social resources.

The element of creativity

The other element that makes a difference is creativity.

People with sociality think mainly about their society. They protect those they care about more by prioritizing their society.

On the other hand, people with creativity prefer to get to know various societies. Perhaps this is because such a lifestyle allows them to be more creative. Knowing other ideas or creativity from various cultures gives us new opportunities.

A style of thinking super-long term and globally

That tells us that thinking in the super-long term and globally gives us a stable mind and energy. That is a style of thinking for people with empathy and creativity.

That allows us to head toward our way of life, no matter how different our direction is from our surroundings. We don’t have to hesitate to move in the direction of independence.

Think about our lives from a historical perspective. We see our lives as part of a long history of humanity and all life. In a long history, many lives have been born and disappeared. Many lives tried to avoid conflict and find a new frontier to live comfortably. Pursuing a peaceful environment is natural.

Then, think about our lives from a global perspective. There are many societies on this planet. There are also societies with eccentric cultures or extreme natural environments. They tell us we don’t have to be bound by the common sense of a small world. We can live differently.

They allow us to live in our own ways. We can understand that there are various ways to live. Living our way of life is one part of nature.

On the other hand, if we think in a short-term and narrow society, we are prone to stress. That confuses what matters to us. That confusion makes us lose our sense of direction.


That is the perspective of empathic and creative people. We can see things from a super-long-term, global perspective.

That might give us peace of mind to move forward toward our way of life.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.