Recently, I realized that failure also told me the essence of how to use our individuality efficiently. Learning about the case of Kitsuki City’s failure, the one I migrated to this month, was a trigger.
Today, I will talk about how to create value from difference.
How to create our own value
Sometimes, we want to create our own value by showing our individuality. Creating unique and valuable products makes us abundant. We can not only use them to improve our lives but also provide them to people.
Others find it hard to imitate us because we can create it easier. That is the power of individuality.
However, we sometimes don’t know how to create value from differences. That makes us compete with others and stressed.
In such a case, thinking of ourselves as a tourism operator could be a way. We can find our uniqueness by knowing the world. Today, I will talk about it.
Thinking of ourselves as a tourism operator
If we want to create our own value, try thinking of ourselves as a tourism operator.
Tourism is the activity of tasting and enjoying the uniqueness of each place. Every place has differences.
For example, where there are mountains, the fruits of the mountains may be delicious. On the other hand, the seafood may be great in a place near the sea. We may enjoy the excitement of river rafting in a place with a river stream, but in a quiet lake, we may have fun with calm canoeing.
These uniquenesses are called culture. In other words, tourists want to enjoy culture. That broadens their horizons and allows them to enjoy their lives. They can make their lives better by adopting other cultures. That is one of the benefits of traveling.
That is why thinking of ourselves as a tourism operator allows us to show individuality.
What is culture?
To show individuality, we focus on our culture.
Culture is a collection of how to use affordable, abundant things efficiently around us and enjoy them. To create a culture, we focus on inexpensive things, not trying to covet expensive things.
For example, in warm places with a lot of rain, people often eat rice because it is easier to grow. On the other hand, in colder areas with less rain, people tend to grow wheat or potatoes because these plants are tolerant of cold and dry conditions.
They try to use them creatively instead of working longer to live the same way as other areas. We call these efficiencies culture.
Giving up to live the same as the surroundings
It is the same as our individualities. From their perspective, they cannot live as their surroundings, no matter how they want it.
For example, people in rice-eating areas have no choice but to grow rice because their circumstances prevent them from growing wheat well.
In our case, we cannot let go of our individualities because many of them are innate.
However, they accepted them and created other ways to enjoy rice. That is culture.
Telling how to enjoy a situation like ours
This way of enjoying our own life creates value.
To understand our uniqueness, we have to know the world because knowing differences gives us value.
For example, I now live near the bay where oyster farming is. Every grocery store in the neighborhood sells fresh oysters every day. To find out how good it is, I need to know the world because there are many other places to eat oysters, like France, Thailand, or Taiwan.
There must be a difference. Europe and East Asia are different. Even if we look within Japan, where I live is far west from the central big cities. There is no way the cultures are the same, including ingredients, lifestyles, and weather.
We don’t have to compete.
That tells us our ways of living based on our circumstances. Culture is not a thing to compete. It is a presentation of the possibility to teach people, “If we are in this situation, we can live and have fun this way.”
We can present many ways.
“If you have a personality like this, you can live and enjoy this way.”
“If you are troubled by this individuality, you can live like me.”
That gives hope to others.
Perhaps that is why we want to know the world if we have individuality. It is for ourselves and helping others.
That is why thinking of ourselves as a tourism operator could be a way to create value from differences.
It is a presentation of the possibility to teach people, “If we are in this situation, we can live and have fun this way.”
This knowledge might allow you to use your individuality.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.