Changing Our Mindsets About Abundance: Which Environment Do We Belong To?

Let’s begin the new year. Today, I will talk about the mindset of abundance.

How to be abundant while reducing our work hours

Sometimes, we want to be abundant while reducing our work hours. If we can manage long-term money and wish for more freedom, working long hours for someone else could be less effective for our happiness. Focusing on increasing the most important things and reducing unnecessary ones in our lives would be better.

However, we sometimes cannot do it. One reason is the fear of losing our jobs.

Even if we want to live peacefully in the countryside, anxiety about income often prevents changing our direction in life.

In such a case, changing our mindsets about abundance might help us. A good environment is one where we can afford the important things for our happiness. This mindset might help you reconsider your environment.

Where is the place of abundance?

If we don’t have anything or want to reconstruct our lives, a good environment is one we can afford the important things for our happiness. On the other hand, trying to belong to an environment where the material of happiness is expensive would make our lives harder.

Perhaps you can understand this easily. Where there is a lot of surplus, it is rich in them.

For example, the first time I saw the nearby downtown area after I migrated to this area last month, I was surprised by the abundance of land. It was spacious. There were a lot of open areas. It had a wide distance from neighboring buildings. That made me feel good without crampedness.

Although many people think vacant lots or narrowness of density is regional poverty, it is abundance. The land was cheap and surplus.

I like spacious rather than cramped spaces. I also like the wide view of scenery in the countryside. This means that this area allows me to create my happiness easier.

This logic would be easy to understand.

The misunderstanding that cities are richer

However, we often misunderstand that cities are richer because there are many expensive things and a large economy.

Although cities are richer than the countryside, it is in terms of the total amount of money or economy. What the environment owns is not always what we own.

In other words, those who own things are rich in the urban area. People who own large land, many buildings, and expensive products are wealthy. If we don’t own it, we are in a poorer environment because things that make us happy are costly.

In cities, a lot of things cost. Having spaciousness takes cost because the environment has less surplus land. Enjoying the wide view of scenery is the same. We have to be on the top of the building to enjoy it, and we often have to pay money just to enter. On top of that, it costs money just to breathe clean air.

The meaning of cities with a lot of jobs

Of course, the cities have many jobs. It means that acquiring a job is abundant in cities.

In other words, people who want to work from early morning to late night and spend money can feel happy in the cities. They like working long hours to spend money rather than feeling spaciousness or freedom. Sometimes, those who change jobs frequently may also prefer a life in the urban area.

Even if we can spend the money we earn, we have to know that it is often the reward of sacrificing our freedom. Getting freedom by the money that sacrificed freedom could sometimes be pointless.

Distinguish the richness between the cities and the countryside

We have to distinguish the richness between the cities and the countryside. Many people misunderstand that cities are richer.

However, that is not accurate. The owners or people who can use those assets are rich. Employees who work to enrich someone wealthy with no assets might not be rich.

If we can manage long-term money and want to reduce the work hours, we may not need such an environment. We can search for another place where the material of happiness is inexpensive.


That is why we have to think about what environmental abundance is.

A good environment is one where we can afford the important things for our happiness, especially if we don’t have anything. Cities are not always rich environments for us.

This mindset might help you reconsider your environment.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.