Although it was hard work, this move was fun. I had to live with fewer things, especially the day I migrated to this city. My luggage was limited, and I could not send all my items. It was similar to the survival situation.
Today, I will introduce a survival skill that helped us strengthen our power to live.
How to increase our survival skills
Sometimes, we want to increase our survival skills. Emergencies can occur at any time. In addition, it makes us keep calm even if our income decreases. Knowing survival skills gives us peace of mind and the power to live.

However, we sometimes don’t know what skill is useful.
Today, I will introduce a basic survival skill that helped me in this move. This might give you confidence and ensure a peaceful life even in hard times.
Prioritizing: the most important thing in a survival situation
In my opinion, prioritizing is the most important thing in a survival or tough situation. There are so many things to do in such a situation. We lack many necessary things, such as food, water, security, a bed, help from others, clothes, an internet connection, or even a toothbrush.
We will waste our precious time if we cannot prioritize where to start. In other words, confusion can be the biggest risk.

That tells us we have to deal with things that will be fatal in the shortest term. Even if we can secure a high-paying job starting next month, it is pointless if we cannot survive until then. Even if we have enough materials, we will not be active at night. A dangerous night may soon be approaching, and it may limit our movements.
That is why we have to prioritize things.
Survival rules based on the Survival Rule of 3
My priorities required for survival situations are as follows (I ignore securing air here):
- (We prioritize from this.) Securing a bed to sleep in (including securing body temperature and a living base)
- Securing water for 1 day (or more short-term)
- Securing food for 1 day (or more short-term)
- (We will do this later.) Securing resources needed for a longer period (including more water and food, energy sources, or any other useful items)
This is based on the survival rule of 3: a human can live 3 hours without body heat, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.

We will start with what will be fatal in the shortest term. Losing body temperature is more fatal than lacking water in the short term. As long as we can move, we can walk around to search for water. However, if we get a cold, we can do nothing.
The relationship between water and food is the same. Water is more influential for our bodies than food. We can stay alive even if we don’t eat meals for several days. However, if we cannot have water for one day, we will not be able to move.
I followed those priorities with my move to this city. I was able to choose the items I needed and carry them with me. That gave me peace of mind and an efficient move. In addition, thanks to these priorities, I completed everything in only about 10 days.
What to do to strengthen our ability to live
This prioritizing helps us strengthen our ability to live. Living with fewer things will realize it.
It tells us what to let go of first. The first thing to reduce is the longer-term preparations. Of course, we don’t have to dispose of all long-term preparations. We narrow down the number of preparations.
In other words, we integrate our long-term reserves into a few reliable ones.

In society, it often is money or something that can be changed into money soon because it is useful.
On the other hand, if we live distantly from society, it can be more essential to life, such as main food or a few main consumables.
We don’t store every daily necessity. Storing everything will make us vulnerable to change. We narrow down a few items and store them enough.
The case of my move
In my move, I used a hand-crank radio when I was disconnected from the internet. I used to think that the state of being disconnected from the internet would be boring and make me crave information. However, I realized that the radio was enough. It provided me with enough information to catch up with the world changes.
That gave me more confidence to survive with fewer things. Even the internet connection was not essential for me.
That is the survival skill that helped me in this move.
Prioritizing is the most important thing in a survival situation. It will reduce our confusion.
This might give you confidence and ensure a peaceful life even in hard times.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.