I will move to Kitsuki City in a few weeks. Today, I will discuss why negative aspects are important throughout the city’s history.
Do we want complete fearless positivity?
Sometimes, we want to be positive. This may be because positivity gives us high energy. That makes us forget about the bad things and makes us feel better. In addition, we can keep our current methodology. In other words, we don’t have to change.
If we can handle the problem, it is no problem. However, if not, it will be unhealthy. Perhaps that is why the more people avoid change, the more likely they will pursue being positive. Despite the situation getting worse, they try to be positive. It could be an escape from reality.

Although we might want only positivity, we usually cannot escape negativity, no matter how much we try to be so. We cannot be active without having a rest. Both aspects are necessary for our lives. Too much positivity is the same as greed.
However, we sometimes don’t know the terrible impact of ignoring negativity. That sometimes causes a tragedy.
Today, I will introduce why the rental housing market in Kitsuki City is the cheapest in this country. Too much positivity caused it. This would tell us the necessity of negativity and how to deal with it healthily.
The collapse of rent in Kitsuki City
Perhaps Kitsuki City is famous for an area where rents are extremely low in Japan. We can live in an apartment room for 1/3 to 1/5 the price compared to other cities.
There is a reason for this. Their overly aggressive positivity led to the collapse of the rent market.

In the early 2000s, several worldwide large companies decided to build large factories in that area. That was fantastic news for the people in the area because it was a small city with no particular industry.
The people of that city became enthusiastic about prospering. The city gave grants, and people competed to build rental properties.
They believed that the future would be better. The economy was also wonderful at that time. They forgot to prepare for risks. In other words, too much positivity turned into greed.
The collapse
Then, in 2008, the global economy suddenly declined, triggered by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in the U.S.
The companies that decided to build large factories in Kitsuki City had withdrawn from the area. These jobs were also gone. Nothing was left, except the huge number of vacant apartments for rent.

They forgot the risk and invested with a huge leverage (debt). That caused their collapse.
The reason why we need negativity
This teaches us a lesson. Too much positivity is also harmful. It is the same as greed.
Negativity has another role in society. Gaining something would be our wealth, but letting go of something would also give us freedom. Happiness excites us, but tears take away our stress. They have a role to play.

Our individuality is the same. If we describe people living in a society as the sun, we can be the moon. The former might have social wealth, but we have freedom. If they enjoy the excitement, we can enjoy peace and natural emotions. Both are great.
How to deal with negativity healthily
Perhaps people who want only positivity tend to have the exhaustion of negative thoughts. They cannot escape from the endless cycle of negative thoughts.
However, lying to ourselves creates that endless cycle. If we are honest with ourselves, such exhaustion doesn’t occur.
To improve our lives, we would have to leave the current environment or situation. It would require some sacrifices.

However, if we can be honest with ourselves, we can let go of unnecessary things. If we are empathic and creative, they might be social wealth or relationships.
When we are prepared to let them go, we will have freedom. Perhaps that would be our starting point.
We don’t know if the collapse was a bad event
By the way, from the perspective of the long run, we don’t know what will be good or bad, as I often say.
In Kitsuki City’s case, the market collapse allowed me to live there affordably. It has helped people like me.

This long-term perspective might allow us to live while following our honest minds.
That is an example of how too much positivity causes collapse.
We can accept the negativity because we don’t know what will be good or bad. Being honest with ourselves would allow us to accept healthy negativity.
This knowledge might give us a balanced life.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.