Recently, I have talked about assets to make our futures better. Today, I will explain how to find things that could be assets.
How to find things that could be assets
Sometimes, we want to make our futures more comfortable, even at the cost of the present. A solid vision that improves our future gives us more energy, especially if we have highly empathic natures. On the other hand, the satisfaction of impulsive desires doesn’t last long.
That is why we want to increase our assets. Assets are things that will give us value in the future. The more assets we secure, the more comfortable future we will have. We can reduce disgusting work or human relationships. We want a peaceful and natural life in the countryside, even if it is simple, even if we cannot have gorgeous items.

However, we often don’t know how to find things that could be our assets, especially if we have strange natures.
Finding “happy leftovers” might be a good way for us to get more assets. Today, I will explain why.
The value of leftovers
Generally speaking, leftovers are recognized as worthless. It is true for the majority, but often not for the minority. It is just that supply has exceeded demand temporarily. Even if social value changes, the value itself is the same.
For example, the price of oranges falls during the winter because it is their season. However, the value of an orange is the same if we eat it as a dessert. The social price and intrinsic value could be different.

In other words, leftovers are valuable in some situations, but now they are not. They are not entirely worthless things. They often lack a part.
Complementations to regain value
They often regain value if we complement something necessary for them.
For example, if we find an affordable broken car, we could repair it. It will give us value in the future if we use it for a long time or sell it. Our repair skills and car parts will be the complements.

Sometimes, our personality could complement its value. For example, we can buy discounted financial assets. Keeping it for several years will complement its value. Many people cannot wait. The patience to wait could fill up a part of something worthless in the present.
Leftovers often have value in some situations. Of course, we cannot complete them in many cases. However, sometimes we can find a treasure. That gives us a lot of value.
The assets that give us comfortable living
We could receive value as material dividends. For example, oranges from orange trees in our gardens can be a dividend if we like to eat them.

Our lifestyle is the same. If we want to live peacefully in the countryside, the secluded life will be the asset that creates dividends. Our peaceful every day is a dividend.
In other words, we can also invest in our lifestyles.
Focusing on social leftovers
We can use social leftovers to create our lifestyle.
For example, we could find more affordable houses in the countryside. Many people are competing to get more urban, convenient housing. We dare to choose the leftover property in the countryside in that case.

Of course, the countryside is inconvenient. In addition, 98 to 99% of the houses are costly and will be a burden.
However, there are treasures at a rate of 1 to 2%. Although we must create new lifestyles, those treasures could give us nice dividends. I call them “happy leftovers.”
Avoiding sociality and social competition
If we want to find such happy leftovers, try avoiding sociality and social competition as much as possible.
For example, try giving up a social status that requires sociality or competition. Be careful; it doesn’t mean we choose a painful job or life we don’t like. We create a comfortable life with social leftovers.

Perhaps we can enjoy that process because we can use our full talents: empathy and creativity.
We can prepare for the future thanks to our empathy. Empathy gives us the ability to worry and prepare for the future. It will frequently save us. We will often be grateful for the preparations we have made in the past.
Creativity will also fulfill us. When we find a better way, we will be happy.
Perhaps the investment is such an activity. Avoiding sociality and competition is the essence of investment.
If we want to find things that could be assets, try finding “happy leftovers.” Avoiding sociality and competition will give us treasures.
This mindset might bring us new opportunities to create more wealth.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope to see you in the next one.